Military action
In response to the stories of demonic forces in Breland and the denunciations by the church, the Pure Legion and Legion of Perpetual Adoration gathered in southwestern Thrane and marched south.
By 923 YK the Thrane denunciations against Breland reached a fever pitch and an invasion of Northern Breland began. Brelish Rangers spotted the armies of Thrane early, and the regent gathered the Great Army of Wroat to oppose the invasion. The Battle of the Greenhaunt, as it was later known, was fought in the forests between Cragwar and Sword Keep, with enormous numbers of dead, mostly Thrane levies, being left unburied among the trees. Still, it was less Thrane’s superior numbers than Brelish hesitancy and lack of commitment that carried the day. Even decades into the war, Breland proved it was not willing to sustain an all-out war effort, or suffer large numbers of casualties.