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Mordain the Fleshweaver


Khorvaire's most powerful wizard. He likes to experiment on living beings and creates aberrations from them. His powers are similar to that of the Delkyr,.
Mordain Phiarlan was the name he used to go by, but that was over 400 years ago when he was still an elf. Mordain showed early prowess as a mage and was accepted into The Twelve, eventually becoming the head researcher for the school of transmutation. Eventually he was discovered to be taking and reading books from the Closed Circle of Sharn (essentially the "Restricted Section from Harry Potter on steroids). When he was 237 years old, his dark experiments became too overt, so the Twelve moved against him.   Led by a member of House Sivis in 797 YK, he was excoriated, tried, found guilty, and sentenced to death. However, every method the Twelve used failed: Mordain was bathed in acid, burned at the stake, drowned, and even dismembered, and after each horrible death, Mordain’s flesh reformed and he awoke renewed. Since they could not kill Mordain, the Twelve petrified the mage and prepared him for transport to Dreadhold prison. However, Mordain reversed the petrification spell, and escaped.   Mordain disappeared from the world until 873 YK, when a troop of Aundairian soldiers pursued a group of lycanthropes during the Purge. They discovered a tower jutting up from the woods of what is now Droaam. The only survivor of the squad was found with the bottom half of his body replaced by one of the lycanthropes he was hunting. Before he died, he spoke of a tower “with blackened, leathery walls, twisted as the limb of a dragon reaching up to grasp the sun.” Mordain had indeed taken up home in Droaam. He created a tower named Blackroot, and surrounded his home with a forest of flesh. Even the Daughters of Sora Kell steer clear of what the gnolls call Khresht Rhyyl, “the Forest of Flesh.”   Since his exile, Mordain has spoken to none. Various nations of Khorvaire have sent emissaries into Khresht Rhyll, but none have returned. Mordain has secured his tower against scrying or teleportation. Mordain will occasionally send out servants from his tower to search ancient daelkyr sites in Droaam and the Shadow Marches. His servants include many creatures of his own creation, as well as enslaved abominations, such as beholders, illithids, and umber hulks.   Mordain is a powerful wizard, and a master of the transmutation school of magic. He can use his spells to polymorph, clone, and bind the souls of creatures. As a former provost of the Twelve, Mordain is an expert in various areas of learning. His knowledge of the daelkyr and Xoriat is amongst the top tier of mortals. He has advanced knowledge of aberrant dragonmarks and the creation of golems

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