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The Great Crag


The capital of Droaam and the seat of power of the Daughters of Sora Kell.
The Great Crag is the capital of Droaam and the seat of power of the Daughters of Sora Kell. It is a fast-growing yet primitive city, though many hands work tirelessly day and night to ensure that one day it will be counted as one of the greatest settlements of Khorvaire. The order in the city is maintained by Sora Maenya's elite troll guards, assisted by gnoll mercenaries.   The Great Crag is a large mountain jutting up from an otherwise flat landscape. During the Dhakaani Empire, Droaam was an important city and a gateway to the west of their empire. Legends say the mountain was pulled up through the ground during the Daelkyr War. Despite its size, the Great Crag is not very sophisticated. House Tharashk is the only dragonmarked house in the city and other than armor and weapons, items are hard to come by. Temples to the Sovereign Host and Silver Flame are unknown here but the Dark Six is well represented.

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