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Sharn, the City of Towers, is the most populous and wondrous cities in Khorvaire. It's a place of magic, with sky­coaches circling mile-high towers and mystic forges toiling endlessly in the bowels. The city is vast, and every district is a unique and distinct area.


33% Human
20% Dwarves
10% Elves
7% Halflings
5% Gnomes
25% Other

Districts of Sharn

The city is built along five distinct plateaus that serve as the primary division of the city. Included in these are five areas that, while not technically plateaus, are considered significant enough to warrant this primary division.   The city is subdivided into three different wards based on how high up in the towers on is. From there, each plateau-ward combination is broken up into districts that contain zones of similar purposes. Citizens of Sharn will often use the ward-plateau name when referring to any general area (such as Upper Dura or Middle Central), or the district name when referring to a specific place (like Mithral Tower).


Skyway demonstrates the most dramatic manifestation of the magic made possible by Sharn’s manifest zone linked to Syrania. Its towers are built on clouds given substance, hovering above the tops of the buildings below. The residents of Skyway are the impossibly wealthy and privileged.
  • Azure - Sky District
  • Brilliant - Sky District

Central Plateau

The Central Plateau, as its name suggests, stands in the center of Sharn. Several bridges cross outwards into the other sections of the city, and the towers rise far above the outer sections of the city. This plateau is often more sought out than the others, and thus wealthier, likely due to its location.  
Upper Central Plateau
  • Highest Towers - Civic District
  • Korranath - Finance District
  • Korran-Thiven - Finance District
  • Mithral Tower - Wealthy Residential District
  • Platinum Heights - Fine Shopping District
  • Skysedge Park - Park District
Middle Central Plateau
  • Ambassador Towers - Embassy District
  • Dava Gate - Professional District
  • Dragon Towers - Guildhall District
  • Sovereign Towers - Temple District
  • Sword Point - Garrison District
  • Tradefair - Market District
Lower Central Plateau
  • Boldrei's Hearth - Inn District
  • Granite Halls - Shopping District
  • Myshan Gardens - Average Residential District
  • North Towers - Shopping District
  • Olladra's Kitchen - Tavern District Vallia's Towers - Average Residential District


Dura, one of the largest and oldest quarter of Sharn, rises from the ruins Shaarat and the Old Sharn that fell at the end of the War of the Mark. Many consider it a blight on the city, riddled as it is with poverty and crime. Dura is home to the majority of the lower classes of Sharn, and Lower Dura is generally considered to be little better than the Cogs. Nonetheless, Dura is the gateway to the Dagger River. Cargo passes from Cliffside up through Dura, and most of the vast warehouse districts are located in the lower ward. The Bazaar of Dura is a source for all manner of unusual goods, including a wide range of illegal merchandise.  
Upper Dura
  • Clifftop - Adventurer Quarters
  • Daggerwatch - Garrison District
  • Highhold - Dwarfish Residential District
  • Highwater - Average Residential District
  • Hope's Peak - Temple District
  • Overlook - Apartment District
  • Redstone - Shopping District
Middle Dura
  • The Bazaar - Market and Shopping District
  • Broken Arch - Average Residential District
  • Hareth's Folly - Tavern District
  • Rattlestone - Apartment District
  • Stormhold - Average Residential District
  • Tumbledown - Apartment District
  • Underlook - Inn District
Lower Dura
  • Callestan - Inn District
  • Fallen - Slum District
  • Gate of Gold - Apartment District
  • Malleon's Gate - Goblinoid Slum District
  • Oldkeep - Apartment District
  • Precarious - Warehouse District
  • The Stores - Warehouse District


The Menthis Plateau is the hub of Sharn’s entertainment industry, as well as its most diverse ethnic quarter and the seat of Morgrave University. Like the Central Plateau, its location allows it to draw visitors from all over the city to sample its entertainment offerings, and it also draws tourists from across the Five Nations.  
Upper Menthis Plateau
  • Den'iyas - Gnomish Residential District
  • Ivy Towers - Average Residential District
  • Platinate - Wealthy Residential District
  • Seventh Tower - Fine Shopping District
  • University District
Middle Menthis Plateau
  • Cassan Bridge- Shopping District
  • Everbright - Magic District
  • Little Plains - Halfling Residential District
  • Smoky Towers - Theater District
  • Warden Towers - Garrison District
Lower Menthis Plateau
  • Center Bridge - Average Residential District
  • Downstairs - Tavern District
  • Firelight - Red Light District
  • Forgelight Towers - Average Residential District
  • Torchfire - Theater District


Northedge, one of the quietest regions within Sharn, is a residential quarter. Most of its inhabitants are crafters and commoners, people who make an honest living within the great city. As a result, it is an uncommon destination for adventurers. However, a variety of tradesfolk and artisans work out of their Northedge homes.  
Upper Northedge
  • Shae Lias - Elvish Residential District
  • Crystal Bridge - Wealthy Residential District
  • Oak Towers - Wealthy Residential District
Middle Northedge
  • Holdfast - Dwarfish Residential District
  • High Hope - Temple District
  • Oakbridge - Average Residential District
Lower Northedge
  • North Market - Market District
  • Stoneyard - Apartment District
  • Longstairs - Apartment District

Tavick's Landing

For most travelers, Tavick’s Landing is the gateway to Sharn. The Orien lightning rail station at Terminus brings in hundreds of travelers each day, and many more arrive via the Old Road at Wroann’s Gate. In many ways, Tavick’s Landing is the most eclectic quarter of Sharn, blending residential areas with commercial and entertainment districts that cater to the traders, travelers, and tourists who pass through the city. During the Last War, foreigners were carefully monitored as they entered the city, and even today the effects of the war can still be felt.  
Upper Tavick's Landing
  • Copper Arch - Professional District
  • Dalan's Refuge - Wealthy Residential District
  • Ocean View - Wealthy Residential District
  • Pinnacle - Temple District
  • Silvergate - Fine Shopping District
  • Sunrise - Average Residential District
  • Twelve Pillars - Professional District
Middle Tavick's Landing
  • Cornerstone - Tavern District
  • Dancing Shadows - Inn District
  • Deathsgate - Adventurer's Quarters
  • Graywall - Average Residential District
  • Kenton - Apartment District
  • Little Barrington - Average Residential District
  • Tavick's Market - Market District
Lower Tavick's Landing
  • Black Arch - Garrison District
  • Cogsgate - Warehouse District
  • Dragoneyes - Red light District
  • Foundation - Apartment District
  • High Walls - Refugee Slum District
  • Terminus - Caravan District
  • Wroann's Gate - Caravan District


The Cliffside ward makes up the lower edge of Dura, built on and into the cliffs that drop toward the river. This waterfront district, full of businesses that cater to the sailors who pass through Sharn’s port, can be a rough and tumble place. Legitimate services can be found here - ships need supplies and repairs, goods need to be stored, captains need a place to hire a crew, and sailors need a bed on dry land to sleep in once in a while - but other businesses spring up simply to meet demand.
  • Grayflood - Waterfront District
  • Mud Caves - Slum District
  • Sharn's Welcome - Red Light District
  • Ship's Towers - Waterfront District

City of the Dead

The dead of Sharn are often cremated these days, but in the city’s youth (and still, to some extent, at least among the wealthy) they were more commonly entombed in mausoleums and crypts in the City of the Dead, high on the cliffs surrounding the city. These districts are nearly deserted in contrast to the bustling streets and towers of Sharn.
  • City of the Dead - Cemetery District
  • Halden's Tomb - Cemetery District

The Cogs

The Upper Cogs are primarily devoted to industry. When Lord Tarkanan destroyed the old city during the War of the Mark, he opened channels to the lake of fire that lay deep beneath. This lava burns with a heat that is more than the laws of nature should allow, and it is ideal for working difficult metals such as adamantine.
  • Ashblack - Industrial District
  • Blackbones - Industrial District
  • Khyber's Gate - Apartment District
  • The Sewers
  • Blackbones - Industrial District
  • Khyber's Gate - Apartment District
  • The Sewers
  • UnderSharn


The ultimate power in Sharn is the City Council. The council has 17 members: one from each of the plateau wards, one from the Skyways and one from the Cogs. Each member of the council theoretically has equal power to the others, but in practice the members from wealthier wards tend to wield the largest political influence. The individual districts have unique ways of appointing someone to the City Council, but all appointees are approved by the empire prior to their service. While the empire does have the absolute right to refuse any appointee for any reason, this practice is rarely practiced and the city runs largely without imperial interference. There are no legal restrictions of who can and cannot run to represent their district, making it one of the most politically liberal local governments in the entire empire.   The current council members are very diverse. Some are known to be corrupt, others idealists, and one appears to be an owl. All the councilors are well-known in their districts, and recognized across the city proper.   The city is run by a variety of minor bureaucrats that take care of the day to day operations.


Sharn is a city that is built on a collection of plateaus on mountains that surround the Dagger River. As the city grew the mountains placed a hard limit on the space the city could build out, so instead Sharn expanded up. The city was founded on the ruins of an ancient hobgoblin city that now acts as a foundation to the large towers of Sharn, as well as an exploitable dungeon.   The city is anchored by a group of enormous towers that fill the spaces of the plateaus. A vast web of bridges and walkways span the gaps between the towers, so the entire city is littered with perilous drops. Some of these bridges are marvelous feats of artistry and engineering, others look like they will collapse the instant someone steps on them. Everyone who has the means carries a feather token on their person at all times, as insurance in case of a fall. Others who make a wrong step take their chances and hope that there is a bridge underneath them.  


The primary asset of Sharn is the density of mages, artificers, and artisans. Given enough time, anyone could find anything in Sharn, legal or otherwise. Every guild has outposts throughout the city that allows a resident of Sharn access to any service they could need. Magewrights ply their trade by casting low level spells for a modest fee, and the city is full of artificers who moved to Sharn in hopes of inventing the next greatest gadget, or becoming the new world renowned entrepreneur.
  Sharn also possess a local university in the Upper Menthis district, though it is not nearly as famous a place compared to Arcanix. Morgrave University possesses an extensive library with tomes and crystals of knowledge on areas of arcana, dungeoneering, geography, and history. Sharn also keeps extensive municipal records in the City Archive, though access is heavily regulated.
  Lastly, Sharn is located within a @manifest zone that connects to the plane of air, which provides a natural boost to levitation and flight magic, which contributed massively to the construction of the towers.  

Industry and Trade

With the end of the Last War, Sharn is slowly recovering from a period of shortages. The demand for food and raw materials was subsidized and shipped to the front lines, driving up the prices for basic necessities. The unfortunate vicitims of these shortages were the poorer citizens, who's desparation led to a massive spike in crime. Many of the city's rulers and nobles feared a revolt was due to break out, until the war not abruptly ended.
  As of now, life in the city is slowly returning to normal, though the impact of poverty caused by the war has not been forgotten. Crime is a major problem in the lower and middle districts and a lot of the less fortunate citizens were left with a bitter frustration at the city and empire for abandoning them.  


Being built on the sides of a mountain served as a formidable defensive barrier during the early days of Sharn. The structures were mostly built with the stone quarried from the mountains, making the city virtually fireproof, and having a huge natural wall allowed the city to reinforce only a small portion of its surroundings for defense.
  In modern days, the natural and constructed fortifications still provide defensive advantages, but the main advantage is the density of high level artificers and mages that call Sharn home. Anyone who would try to attack Sharn would be hard pressed in any direct confrontation, as the city can construct and adjust custom magical artillery almost on the fly to respond to any hostility.
  In addition, Sharn is located deep within the Empire's claimed territory, making it impossible to mount any attack on the city without engaging with the Empire's military and giving the city advanced warning to prepare. During the Last War, citizens of the city could almost forget about the violence being wrought outside their walls if not for the economic fallout that remained a persistent reminder of the Last War.


  • Sharn, Skyway
    Map of Sharn's Skyway
  • Sharn, Upper Wards
    Map of Sharn's Upper Wards
  • Sharn, Middle Wards
    Map of Sharn's Middle Wards
  • Sharn, Lower Wards
    Map of Sharn's Middle Wards
  • Sharn, Cogs
    Map of Sharn's Cogs
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Towers
Location under
Owning Organization

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