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The Floating Towers of Arcanix

University in the Sky by Fenghua Zhong

Arcanix is an institute of arcane studies located on the shores of Lake Galifar. Many of the greatest wizards of old learned their craft within the Floating Towers of Arcanix. @Raulo ir’Trannick is the lord mayor of Arcanix and a member of the @Arcane Congress which is the local government responsible for the University and the surrounding village.


A village lies directly beneath the floating towers. The residents of Arcanix owe their livelihoods to the Floating Towers, from the innkeeper who boards the parents of would-be mages during the Autumn Entrance Examinations to the stable-master responsible for exercising the steeds—both mundane and exotic—of some of the University's spellcasters.


Arcanix’s unique position makes it one of the Empire's most magically aware places. Many of the residents are downright blasé about powerful arcane magic, while others take great delight in the astonishment on visitors’ faces when a carpet of flying alights on the town square or an aged wizard turns into a glorious dragon and flies away.


Most of the important wizards and sorcerers of the Pyra Empire reside in Arcanix. Tower students and professors are renowned for both their abstract magical theory as well as practical spellcasting. Being the largest and most famous University in Eberron, the Floating Towers offers instruction in any form of magical application that one can imagine and pursues groundbreaking research that promises to shape the future.

The Towers of Arcanix


Easily the most recognizable feature of Arcanix are the huge towers suspended in the sky. Each Tower represents a specialized school of study and place of research. Some of the best known towers are:

  • The Tower of Alchemy, which is famous for the research of dragonshards and their alchemical applications.
  • The Tower of Abrogation, which formalized the school of antimagic and antimagic protection.
  • The Tower of Imbuement, which produces some of the best and brightest artificers in the Empire.


The towers float hundreds of feet above the ground, with the only entrance being an enchanted pad located in the center of the village. Every tower hovers independent of the others, but are tied together with bridges and tunnels of arcane light that glow in iridescent colors at night. The materials that the towers are made from vary wildly from black granite, pink marble, all the way to @dragonshards that could power the entire Empire for an full month if harvested.


While floating, the towers frequently orbit among each other and reconfigure seemingly without rhyme or reason. Viewing the University from any of the multiple cobblestone roads that lead into the village gives the impression of a glittering kaleidoscope locked in an hypnotizing dance that fills the viewer with wonder and awe.

Alternative Names
Arcanix, Floating Towers, The Towers
University / Educational complex

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