The Ghaash’kala

The Ghaash’kala are primarily orcs, but their numbers include a few half-orcs and members of other races. They devote their lives to guarding the Labyrinth and containing the evils of the Wastes.

The Binding Flame.

The Ghaash’kala worship Kalok Shash, the “Binding Flame.” Fundamentally the same religion as the Silver Flame, Kalok Shash is a harsh faith that requires all able-bodied folk to fight in the endless war against the forces of darkness. The Ghaash'kala see themselves as the last line of defense, preventing the corruption of the Demon Wastes from spilling out into the rest of Khorvaire. While they will only present a token resistance against adventurers entering the Demon Wastes, they will fight valiantly to prevent any potentially corrupted soul from leaving it.


The Ghaash'kala are divided into four similar yet distinct clans (though the term is not technically accurate as the "clans" are not based on familial ties) each with two leaders. The kizshmit is the military leader of the tribe while the sar'malaan guides the orcs along a spiritual path. The kizshmit governs most of the mundane orc activities as well but bows before the wisdom of the sar'malaan in all matters of a spiritual nature. The clans all work together, though they have different duties and geographical locations.   The Jaasakar ("Deadly") clan rules the east, the Maruk ("Mighty") clan guards the central labryinth, the Kastar ("Swift") clan protect the west and the Vaanka ("Final") clan keeps watch over the northwestern labyrinth where the Demon Wastes connect with the rest of the lands.
Geopolitical, Clan
Controlled Territories
Notable Members