Dr Jupiter Valetine Research/Downtime Myth in Eberron | World Anvil

Dr Jupiter Valetine Research/Downtime

Professor Yoole has been instrumental in assisting with researching the current problems of Shavalant.   1. Green Potion- Professor Yoole had heard rumors of a green potion with amazing properties related to magical recovery. Initially Yoole thought Queelix was on another drinking binge when he told Yoole about Aqua Merdin but the liquid in the vial seems to be what he claimed.   2. The original thinking was that the creature was distilling the liquid into the powder, however that is not the case. It appears the green powder is made from the fungus on the zombies. Threw a drying process of the fungus and mixing of additional herbs Yoole would be able to re-create the powder.   3. Effects of the powder are unclear. Yoole doesn't recommend human trials till more can be found out about it.    4. Zombies are "infected" with some sort of spore that causes them to grow green mushroom/fungus. The fungus then is made into the Green powder.    5. Its hard to translate all of the paperwork but appears that there was some research being done in mixing the Aqua Merdin and the green powder.