Draconic Prophecy Myth in Eberron | World Anvil

Draconic Prophecy

The Draconic Prophecy is a record of things to come that has been playing out since creation. The dragons of Argonnessen observe and record everything from the position of the moons and stars, to the position of the Ring of Siberys to physical manifestations of dragonmarks in the world, all of which they study looking for portents and omens of things to come. The prophecy encompasses many many volumes and is said to be as complex and unfathomable as the dragons themselves. A few among the scholarly study snippets of the massive work, but only the dragons with their incredibly long lifespan, the elves of Aerenal, and the immortal rakshasa have the ability and patience to see the prophecy for what it truly is.   It is unknown what the draconic prophecy's nature is. Some argue it is a revelation of the end of the world, others of a new beginning. Whatever the means it is obvious that the prophecy points towards the transformation of the world as we know it.