Drum Keep Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil

Drum Keep

Drum Keep is a Brelish military installation on the western edge of the Blackcaps mountains in northern Breland, on the road south of Xandrar. Set into the foothills of the Blackcaps the keep looks out over the undulating plains and shores of Silver Lake. Even though it is set too far back from the lake to act as a port, Drum Keep isn't just regulated to simple stopping point for any travel heading to or from the port city of Xandrar. Sitting almost 2 days travel away from Xandrar, Drum Keep acts more as a small trade city than military installation. Farmers, Cattle ranchers and animal traders will often sell there goods here, even at a lower price, to save the 4 days of round trip travel as well as inherent and fees associated with trading in a port city. Vice Versus many traders will off load there goods here, not wanting to head further into Breland, or risk any raids from any bandits hiding in the Blackcap mountains.
Military, Base