Khyber Dragonshard

Dragonshards from the progenitor dragon Khyber, are found deep in the earth, often near layers of magma. These crystals typically grow on cavern walls, and superstition says they flourish in areas with significant fiendish activity. Khyber dragonshards are deep blue or dark violet, laced with gleaming veins. Khyber dragonshards have an affinity for binding magics. Elemental binding — which is behind airships, the lightning rail, and elemental galleons — requires a Khyber dragonshard to hold the elemental. Khyber shards are used for phylacteries, planar binding, and other effects that trap or manipulate spirits. Khyber dragonshards can also be used for necromantic rites.  Siberys dragonshards fall from the Ring of Siberys, the ring of crystals that encircles the world. While rare in Khorvaire, there are significant Siberys dragonshard fields in the continent of Xen’drik, and this is a potential source of great wealth for explorers. Siberys dragonshards are amber in color, with swirling golden veins gleaming within. These dragonshards are used in the crafting of magic items that require dragonmarks for attunement. Larger ones may be required for eldritch machines or the creation of legendary items or artifacts.