Lycanborne Plot in Eberron | World Anvil


Lycanthropy was a plague on the land for so long. The Church of the Silver Flame announced the The Silver Crusade in year 823YK. The church sanctioned scouring of the continent to destroy all lycanthropes and there kin.    Drexel has grown thick scraggy wolf-like fur. He has become an even greater hunter/tracker. He has also developed and allergy to silver, burning him when it touches him.   Professor Finkelstein has informed your group that Drexel is Lycanborne, similar to sorcerer's with draconic bloodlines. With Drexel's growing power his curse too grows. This is passed down threw bloodlines. Drexel will need to search out his family to find discover his family heritage and if there is a cure.
Quest status- In Progress