Orcbone Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil


(Terrelton)   Brelish military installation on near the western border. Those stationed there have endured some of the fiercest fighting during the Last War and periodic raids and skirmishes since.   The commander of the fort is Lord Vernon Tajar, but his control is not complete. The Westwind Riders, a cavalry company who ranges the western frontier, uses the fort as its base of operations. The captain of the Riders, a Khoravar named Captain Lorel is a charismatic leader and she differs vociferously in her opinion about how the western Brelish border should be protected. The commander wants to conduct raids into Droaam, but Lorel is determined to only strike at forces that enter Breland proper.   Lander Fleetkeel, human male, a competent blacksmith. Has squinty blue eyes, cropped brown hair, a full face, and a medium build. Reputed to be compassionate though fearful. Spouse: Alefrey. 1 child
  • Standard PHB equipment available
Purcy- a Calico Tabaxi- talks with a lisp Sylvester the cat    He can offer regular riding horse for free. Or one of the Specialty mounts for 400g or trade  
  • War Horse- The staple in any modern army is the fast and nibble Calvary war horse of course. This particular model comes with plate armor, a blazing top speed of 0-60 in one round and two cup holders, for the thirsty adventurer.....The chocolate brown horse regally sticks its head out the stall and Bwwwpf
  • Warbear Mount- As I can see we might have a little problem with leg room here (as he eyes Verrock), in cases like this the garden variety war horse may not be acceptable. We do have a larger mount that not only can accommodate legs over here but provide comfort after a day of slaughtering innocents. This mighty warbear not only is able to provide to congratulatory high five with his meaty paw, he is quite proficient at providing hugs to thugs.......In this stall a Large Black bear is standing on its hind legs batting at a large ball hung from the ceiling.
  • War Saber Tooth Tiger- If high fives and hugs aren't conducive to your adventuring style maybe this next mount will be. Twice as large as any lion with a roar twice as loud this fine large fanged feline specimen is sure to keep the the bandits at bay. Chkkk, here kitty kitty kitty ........  in the corner of the stall an extraordinary large ball of fur uncurls, its front legs reach forward and stretch, revealing large claws the size of daggers. The massive saber tooth tiger uninterested in the cat calls digs its massive claws into a burlap wrapped beam.
  • Warforged Charger- Now I know what your saying to yourself. But *** I don't want to be cruising Breland in just any mount. I got style. Well I tell you're luck today. For what was old is new again. From a prewar era this overly sized brute hasn't been in production for over a century. Now with the Treaty of Thronehold barring the creation of anymore warforges this hulk of a mount is extraordinarily rare now. ......As this mount steps forward, the thudding of its movement vibrates up your legs. This construct looks like an ogre-sized gorilla, walking on both its short legs and its hammerlike hands.


Breland Military


Military, Base