Scouting Party

Arannis Brawnfist requested you scout a camp of Scorhced that have been harassing the keep. Arannis Brawnfist marks a known Scorched Encampment on your map and requests you gather as much information as you can. If you can cause some level of chaos, that would be rewarded as well.   Session 12- Your party found a ravine that the Scorhced have converted into impressive lair. Drexel and Queelix scouted ahead and had a run in with a number of Scorched Reaper and a Scorched Ravagers. They where just barely able to get away.    Session 13- Diplomacy threw other means did not go well. Your party sent Drexel ahead to scout. He was able to identify atleast a dozen Scorched Reaper as well as half a dozen Scorched Ravagers. Drexel also identified some sort of shaman or Scorched Witch.   Session 15- Your party reported the information about the Scorched Encampment to Master Talus in Whitehearth Keep. He rewarded you with a long deserved rest and a few bottles of Goodberry Absinthe.

Quest Status- Complete