Session 17 Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 17

General Summary

After a long day of moving the meteor into the cart, chipping away at the Siberys Dragonshard meteor and making Siberys Dragonshard necklaces for the converted Scorhced the party sets in for the night. The party takes turns on watch, huddled against the meteor. The warmth of the meteor gives off is soothing and relaxing. The voice of Gargauth in Wu's head is lessened and Drexel isn't as tormented by his gnomish dreams as he usually is. Overall it is a very restful nights sleep.   On the Road to Glass Plateau   In the morning the group decides to head northeast and access the most southern portion of the Glass Plateau. Treking over the barren lands of the Mournland the group starts to notice the Glass Plateau jutting out above the landscape. The highest point of the Glass Plateau is only 1-2 thousand feet about the ground, not nearly as impressive as many onf the mountain ranges scattered around Khorvaire. The impressive part i how quickly the elevation changes. The seer walls of the plateau seem to have been dropped onto the rolling hills of the Mournland rather than formed from years of erosion. Despite the constant dusk that is the Mournland, the black obsidian like formation gleams with its glassy reflective surface. When the party gets closer, the appearance of the rocks are quite similar to Merdinite Ore however there glass plateau has an almost polished look.     There are no easy access roads that lead up to the top of the plateau. You manage to find a gravel trail that leads to a narrow pass that hugs the Glass Plateau and leads up the plateau.   The Portcullis   The shelf of rock on which the road clings, grows narrow. To your left, the icy cliffs rise sharply toward darkness. To your right, the ground falls away into a sea of fog. Ahead, through the wind and dust, you see a high wall of black stone lined with spikes and topped by statues of demonic vultures with horned heads. Set in the center of the wall is a closed iron portcullis, behind which burns a curtain of green flame.   On the other side of the dark wall, gripping the mountain’s edge, is a guard tower of white stone topped by golden statues of mighty warriors.The gatehouse is 30 feet high. The adjoining walls are 20 feet high and lined with stone spikes.   Queelix Von Boomersmark sends his mechanical bird over the wall and the stone bird like creatures start to move and come to life. With a puff of concrete dust the Petrified Vrocks come to life and end the existence of the mechanical bird. Ohazar Molgera rightly chooses not to engage while Queelix Von Boomersmark curses the birds for making a mockery of his creation.   Approaching the portculis the metal gate shrieks and cracks as rusted metal starts to move and the metal gait reveals the green fire sitting in the gateway. With no visible source to be noted Queelix Von Boomersmark tries to douse it with water to no eval. Braving the heat Ohazar Molgera casts spider climb on himself and wall runs over the fire and lands safely on the other side.   Queelix Von Boomersmark attempts to shoot the flames but chips away at the wall instead. After removing some of the bricks Queelix and WuWei decide to blow it up. Utilizing Merdinite Dragonshard and shooting it with the force cannon causes a necrotic field to explode and degrade the wall.   The Guard Tower   Just pass the portcullis is a guard tower whose door is made of iron bound wood and barred from within. Attmepting to be the mad bomber Queelix tries shooting the door but instead fails his attack roll and knocks off one of the gold plated statues. The statue comes crashing down and the lance the gold guard is holding smacks Queelix in the head.   Not to be out done, Ohazar walks up the wall as if he was Adam West. Reaching the top he finds the three remaining Ten-foot-tall, gold-plated statues stand atop the battlements, facing outward. Each one depicts a female human knight holding a lance. The cold wind stirs the snow, under which you see human twisted bodies clad in rusty mail. The bodies are the remains of four guards who held this post long ago. After searching the remains he finds tattered bits of cloth, broken longbows and arrows, rusted blades in ruined sheaths, and rusty chain mail.   The upper level of the tower is an icebox with windows set in almost every wall. A rusted iron ladder bolted to the floor and ceiling leads up to a wooden trapdoor. Mounted above the stone hearth is a dire wolf’s head. The wind coming down the chimney howls in its stead.   Traveling down the stairs Ohazar finds a cold hearth stands across from the door, the wind howling down its chimney. A stone staircase is on the south wall. Three windows look out over a foggy sea. The door has a large wooden cross brace barring the door. Ohazar removes the brace and lets the party in.   Utilizing his superior wit, Ohazar takes the wooden cross brace and reinforce the pathway that Queelix made in the portcullis wall. The group is able to navigate the cart and donkeys threw.   The Bridge   The dusty pass comes to a gorge spanned by a stone bridge. At each end of the bridge is a thirty-foot-tall, thirty-foot-wide stone arch. Atop each one are two statues of armored knights on horseback with lances, charging toward one another. The wind bites and howls like wolves as it passes through the gorge.   The western/Southern arch contains empty guard posts, one on each side of the bridge. These 10-foot-wide chambers provide some protection against the howling wind.   The low walls that enclose the stone bridge have fallen away in a couple of places, but the bridge appears intact. A black-cloaked rider on a charcoal-colored horse guards the middle of the bridge.   Attempting diplomatic solutions Queelix approaches the figure slowly and non aggressively. The cloaked rider in white plate armor, with ornamental skulls and bloody chains hanging from his saddle- the ghastly knight serves a grim warning to proceed no further. As Queelix gets closer he can see the figures color starts to fade and crack. As the wind blows the figure turns to dust and rides the winds away.   After Queelix inspects the bridge he is relatively certain that it should hold the weight of the cart. Wuwei defly manuevers the cart over the bridge.   Deciding to catch some sleep as to avoid exhaustion, the group hunkers down in the norther guard towers. They are safe from the wind but it is still cold and the howling from the winds do not allow a very restful sleep.   The Old Tower   The top of the Glass Plateau the wind continues to nip at the group. The ground is hard with spike and sharp crevasse everywhere. The land is covered in a fine grey powder that resembles snow. After traveling the rough road for most of the day, in the distance approx a quarter mile away the group spots a crumbling tower atop a hill. Parts of the cone shaped roof and outer shell have fallen inward, leaving a gaping hole above which four hawk-like creatures circle.   The crimson color of the hawk like creatures resemble Blood Hawks how ever on closer examination Dresel notices the hawk is very reflective and colorful. It appears as if the hawk itself is made out of glass. Its like a flying and animated stained glass hawk, with the vibrant translucent colors and black metal lines between joints.   Approaching the tower door the group spots a large boulder blocking the tower’s ground-floor entrance, and a horrible noise comes from within — a deep, guttural, melody pours from the lips of something big and awful. Drexel recognizes it as giant and it is a very sad song about lost love and loneliness.   Drexel utilizes the grapple shot and deftly manuvers into the tower without provoking the Glass Blood Hawk. He finds a female giant who is made out of rock and glass with her feet dangling off the ledge she is sitting on. Her skin appears molded into the tower. Drexel is not able to see where the tower starts and giant ends.   Drexel attempts to calm the sad giant but just ends up making her made, to which results in rocks being thrown at his head. Giving up on wooing her into submission he returns to the ground and Queelix is able to squeeze over the boulder. Succeeding in hiding from her and the boudlers she casts Queelix is able to secure a rope around the boulder and between the donkeys and the group are able to move the boulder away from the door.   The group is able to calm the giant down with the use of chocolate flavored rations. They discover the name is Moog and she is sad because the White Knight came and stole her husband Hrok. She decscribes the White Knight coming and doing something to her husband and a crown of thorns appeared on Hrok's head. After the crown appeared Hrok left with the White Knight and she has not seen him in quite a while.   Wuwei is able to use the Merdinite Scapel and his immense medical knowledge to free Moog from her entombment in the tower.   Moog agrees to point you in the direction of Making Ravine to where her husband was headed to. She also alerts you to a dilapidated chest with a rusted lock. Queelix attempted to be sneaky and pick the lock, he only succeeded in breaking it. Inside the group found 300 gp and two spell scrolls Heat Metal and Speak with Dead.   Moog is agreeable to the group spending the night before they set out to Making Ravine.

Rewards Granted

  • 300 gp 
  • Spell Scroll Heat Metal 
  • Spell Scroll Speak with Dead.

Missions/Quests Completed

Character(s) interacted with

  • White Knight 
  • Moog 
Report Date
25 Aug 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location