Session 18 Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 18

General Summary

The party settles in for a nice evening with Moog. Wuwei almost gets crushed by a boulder Moog knocks over. Ohazar Molgera sees a Blue Knight similar to the knight the group saw at Tsolenka Pass. Scared of his mind by the sudden disappearance of the knight Ohazar Molgera wakes Drexel and tells him about it. Drexel ends up seeing the White Knight who remains motionless till Drexel needs to wake Queelix Von Boomersmark. When Drexel's gaze returns to the White Knight, he is gone. Queelix Von Boomersmark keeps a look out for more knights however almost gets crushed by glass poop from the Glass Blood Hawk flying above.    In the Morning   Moog wakes and does not remember the group and starts to throw them out. Only temporarily calmed by the memory of her husband Hrok, she ends up kicking the group out after Queelix Von Boomersmark charms the pants off her.   Traveling to the Ravine   Viscous shrieking winds and pelting dust bombard your little caravan. There isn't much life up here on the Glass Plateau. Tracks are nonexistent as the light sand that covers the hard unforgiving ground are continually covered up by ever blowing winds. If it wasn't for Drexel's innate ability to navigate the harsh climate you would most certainly be lost.     Entering the Ravine   As you are traveling, the rock formations jutting out of the ground are getting larger and sharper till they actually tower a few hundred feet above you. The winds are much less in the ravine allowing for some tracks to be noticeable. These tracks are so deep and large that even WuWei is able to make them out with his pasta sight- Giant tracks.   The group comes upon a crashed ship and ends up befriending the Goblins of Breland and a Monkey Fire Elemental. Attempting to make life easier the Goblins try to fly there newly energized ship but end up crash landing. Luckily enough everyone is safe because of Queelix Von Boomersmark quick thinking of using feather fall. The Goblins have agreed to catch up with the group when the ship is repaired.   The group continues on and finds a cave where Scorhced have settled. There is a benevolent couatl named Elrem that has been trying to help the Scorhced but they have been getting eaten by a giant. Elrem asks the group to help. Quest start: Great Worm Cavern   The group agrees and waits for the giant to come back. A large giant made out of stone who has a crown of thorns on his head approaches. The group discovers that this is Hrok. After deftly subduing Hrok the group returns to the Scorhced with Hrok's tooth and club as evidence they don't need to worry about the giant anymore. Hrok takes off returning to his beloved Moog. Quest complete: Moog needs Hrok, Great Worm Cavern     Drexel then bangs a gong calling forth 2 Wormling which the group quickly dispatches. In the cave the Wormlings come out of the group discovers three 500 gp gemstones, fifteen 100 gp gemstones, and necklace of fireball with 4 dangling red globes.

Rewards Granted

Three 500 gp gemstones, fifteen 100 gp gemstones, and necklace of fireball with 4 dangling red globes.

Missions/Quests Completed

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
08 Sep 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location