Session 21 Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 21

General Summary

Recap- The group has located Kwalish, who has converted a church into his new laboratory. Kwalish has offered his Powered Armor suits to help against Gargauth however they need a power source. The group informed Kwalish of there stock pile of Siberys Dragonshard. Kwalsih instructed Queelix on how to fix the penguins airship and the group helped Kwalish build a landing pad for an airship on the roof.   Where are the turtles?   The group decends into the sewers and do some minor exploring. The ran into a Gelatinous Cube and Coprse Hole that drops dead bodies. The group did find a locked chest with:   250g worth of trinkets potion of healing potion of climbing potion of greater healing   The group follows the sewers around till it spills out the side of the floating island. The group safely descends down to ground utilizing feather fall.   Defending the Airship   Once the group reunites with the Goblins the stone cover to the pit explodes. Erupting out to the pit is an army of imps who start to rush the airship. The group utilizes the airships guns while Queelix fixes the engines. After the imps a number of devils rush out. Unable to keep the devils and fiends at bay they manage to damage the airship. Luckily Queelix was able to get the airship ready in record time and take off. The airship did take some damage while trying to land as well but it is something the Goblins can fix.

Rewards Granted

  • 250g worth of trinkets
  • potion of healing
  • potion of climbing
  • potion of greater healing
Report Date
15 Oct 2020