Session 22 Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 22

General Summary

After escaping the onslaught of demons spawns coming from the pit in the center of Making Ravine the group sets up to start creating the necessary Powered Armor suits. One week into the groups planned 2 week deadline, Drexel is out scouting possible entry points into the Palace area when a loud Crash is heard and the church shakes as something large lands/crashes on the roof. Upon investigating the crash you find Laughing Chuck, but he doesn't look like he's laughing. His petrified body is chipped, parts of his stained glass wings are cracked and a green goo, which you assume is his blood drips from his face.   After speaking with Chuck the group notices he is not acting like himself, his speech is much slower and deeper and he is not laughing. Chuck informs the group that his marbles where stolen by his brother Giggling Carl. Queelix is able to decipher that his "marbles" where Ioun stones, stones imbued with powerful magic that grants the bearer with immense power. Without his marbles Chuck is just boring.   Quest Start- Laughing Chuck has lost his marbles   Laughing Chuck informs the group that Giggling Carl is located in a Tower in the park. The park is in the middle of the city. Crye had a famous garden maze there with a tower in the center, which is where Carl has made his lair.   The group heads out via the sewers and is able to make there way to the aqueduct near the park. Happening upon an intact bridge the group manages to get out of the aqueduct and head towards the park.   Making Central Park-   A tourist attraction in its hay day the huge park has become filled with tangled bushes and branches. The hedges have become over grown, stretching to almost 20 feet high. The group circle the tangled stretch of woodland uncover a path leading into its interior. Impassable brambles choke the woodland outside these trails and even grow overhead to blot out the sky. To avoid getting lost in the wood, the group marks there way and using chance as there guide they make there way into a dead end   In the dead end a cursed dryad spirit approached the players and demand to be reminded of the “wonders of life.” Failing to gentrify the dryad the group ends up killing it instead.   Approaching the Tower   What has been called a tower is looks more like a giant sword plunged into the ground, tilted to a twenty-degree angle. Much of it is rusted and torn asunder. Cold wind screams as it tears through the hollow structure, and six giant vultures circle high above it. The command deck at the top is 80 feet off the ground at its lowest point. The giant vultures circling above the tower attack the group when they try to call Giggling Carl out.   Lower Decks The lower tower is riddled with holes, allowing easy access to the fortress interior. During the assent the group run into six Bone whelks: large mollusks that excrete an adhesive to attach skulls, bones, and other detritus to their bodies for protection. These slugs scour the wreck for organic matter to feed on, clinging to torn sections of wall, floor, and ceiling while taking shelter from the searing winds and hungry vultures.   Top Floor   Iron Surfaces. The floor, walls, ceilings, and doors are made of iron that has been twisted, bent, and ruptured in places. Ceilings throughout are 15 feet high.   Slant. Like the rest of the fortress, the command deck leans at a twenty-degree angle, with the sloped metal floor is difficult terrain.   The top floor is a large open area with random crap around. Giggling Carl presents himself, a large demonic tortle with a twisted hard black shell. The group is not able convince Carl to hand over the stones.   5 ioun stones- Insight (Very Rare). Your Wisdom score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20, while this incandescent blue sphere orbits your head. Intellect (Very Rare). Your Intelligence score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20, while this marbled scarlet and blue sphere orbits your head. Leadership (Very Rare). Your Charisma score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20, while this marbled pink and green sphere orbits your head. Fortitude (Very Rare). Your Constitution score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20, while this pink rhomboid orbits your head. Agility (Very Rare). Your Dexterity score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20, while this deep red sphere orbits your head.   Treasure Horde- 500 cp, 8000 sp, 1300 gp, 110 pp, Ornate Silver Mirror set with Rhodochrosite (250 gp), Silk Cloak threaded with Silver (250 gp), Potion of Gaseous Form (rare, dmg 187), Potion of Superior Healing (rare, dmg 187), Sentinel Shield   The Return- During the trip back to the church the group locates a somewhat intake store, Crates and Barrel, a high end gift shop.   Crate and Barrel- Investigation- 2000 cp, 1000 sp, 70 gp, Bolt of Fine Cloth (25 gp), Small Bag of Incense (25 gp), Feathered Ribbon (25 gp), Ceramic Ring (25 gp), Feathered Short-sword Scabbard (25 gp), Rabbit Fur Vest (25 gp), Boots of Levitation (rare, dmg 155)   Upon returning to the Church the group is able to overcome there greedy nature and return the Ioun stones to Chuck who intern promises to help the group with battling Gargauth.

Rewards Granted

500 cp, 8000 sp, 1300 gp, 110 pp, Ornate Silver Mirror set with Rhodochrosite (250 gp), Silk Cloak threaded with Silver (250 gp), Potion of Gaseous Form (rare, dmg 187), Potion of Superior Healing (rare, dmg 187), Sentinel Shield   2000 cp, 1000 sp, 70 gp, Bolt of Fine Cloth (25 gp), Small Bag of Incense (25 gp), Feathered Ribbon (25 gp), Ceramic Ring (25 gp), Feathered Short-sword Scabbard (25 gp), Rabbit Fur Vest (25 gp), Boots of Levitation (rare, dmg 155)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Laughing Chuck has Lost his Marbles- Completed

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
20 Oct 2020