Valenar Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil


Located in the south east part of the continent of Khorvaire. it borders the Talenta Plains to the north and Q'barra to the east, while the Mournland is across its western border. Society- The nation of Valenar is primarily inhabited by elves, and secondarily by human beings that were formerly citizens of Cyre but had very little loyalty to their parent nation. Society is very fluid in the extremely young nation, and with the exception of the crown few groups lay significant claim to the politics of the region save for the Council of Five.   The Council of Five- Fanatic leaders of the state of Valenar. They believe that only highly trained and experienced mages should be wielding magic. The mourning only laid credence to their beliefs, now they actively enact laws against the use of magic and actively seek out unregistered users of magic. The council believes that the prolific use of arcane magic is the reason for the mourning. Due to the lack of political leadership or an opposing group, the Council of Five have allowed the The Cowled Wizards to seek out and destroy those they deem abusers of magic.

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