Whispers of the Past Plot in Eberron | World Anvil

Whispers of the Past

Drexel has been tortured over the last week with gnomish dreams that started off as dreams that one could consider weird, or entertaining depending on one's fetish for a short stubby people. They have turned to something more disturbing, with Drexel waking in the middle of the night in cold sweats. Many of the dreams end with a bloody massacre now, blood splattering on the wall, flesh ripping and the screams and whimpering of scared gnomes running from something.   Anaxi Zephries mentioned the boots are of gnomish design ad that Kwalish may have know something or have notes on them.   Professor Finkelstein mentions that Kwalish was known for making cursed items, cause ya know, it's fun.
Quest Status- In Progress