Xen'drik Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil


Xen'drik is a continent on the planet Eberron located primarily in the southern hemisphere south of the continent of Khorvaire  


  Giants built the first civilization on Eberron eighty thousand years ago on the continent of Xen'drik. At the height of these empires they covered much of the continent. The giants and their slaves, Goliaths, drow and elves, built sprawling cities and massive temples throughout the land.   Forty thousand years ago, living nightmares from Dal Quor, the plane of dreams, crossed the planes and entered in the primal plane of the Giants. For a thousand years the Giants and Elves battled the interdimensional foes throughout Xen'drik. A conclave of the greatest Arcanists in all of Xen'drik was assembled and a weapon of cataclysmic power was unleashed, severing the connection from Dal Quor to the primal plane. The power of the weapon was so devastating that the cataclysmic result nearly equaled the damage caused by the war itself.   In the aftermath of this war the empires of the Giants were no more. The great cities, temples and monuments of the Giants were left for ruin. Xen'drik was destroyed. For thirty-five thousand years the echoes of the conflict have distorted the lands of Xen'drik. The unleashed echoes of eldritch power have created bizarre monsters and twisted landscape in its path. Formerly enslaved elves fled to Aerenal. Giants devastated by the war were left shattered and hopeless. Their civilization lost, the Giants began degenerating into primitive and violent beasts. The wilds of Xen'drik returned and the glory of the continent's ancient culture was forgotten in myth and legend.  

Races and Cultures

  Xen'drik is now mostly inhabited by drow and degenerate Giants, long-disconnected from their glorious empire of the past. Aerenal Elves trace their origins to Xen'drik in the long forgotten past. Goliaths are thought to dwell in the Titan's Teeth Mountains in the interior of Xen'drik.