Doctrine of the Silver Flame

The Purified are bound together by numerous rites and traditions, by many beliefs, but by only a single religious doctrine, called the Tenet of Purity:   Burn the corruption and taint of evil from all Eberron. Other gods have begun the creation, but it is the Silver Flame, by searing wickedness and darkness from their imperfect world, that must complete it.   This belief that the world can only be made perfect by the Silver Flame and its followers embodies the height of arrogance in the eyes of followers of other religions, but it is absolutely central to the faith of the Purified. They acknowledge the existence and divinity of other gods, such as the Sovereign Host and the Dark Six, and of the three great Dragons. They even honor them, knowing them worthy of respect. After all, the Silver Flame has never claimed to be a creator deity, and it has not even existed as long as Eberron itself. Even so, the Purified believe that although the Silver Flame was not the first god of Eberron, it will be the last. So long as evil exists, the world remains flawed and cannot become whole. By ridding the world of all evil, the Silver Flame will transform Eberron into a paradise without wickedness or sin or pain. Then will the other gods fade, for even the best of them are also impure, leaving the Silver Flame to hold dominion over heaven on earth.   For many thousands of years, the Flame existed in Eberron but could not commune with mortals. It was too holy, say the Purified, for flawed creatures to hear its voice. Only when Tira Miron, a paladin most pure of heart, joined with the Flame did it gain a voice that could speak to mortals.   The Purified believe in a hierarchy of evil. All wickedness must eventually be purged, but some is of more immediate import, and is more heavily damaging to the world itself, than other sources of wickedness. Not that the Church feels any evil is acceptable or less important; this is strictly an issue of prioritization. In simple terms, the hierarchy of evil is as follows.   • Entities of alien evil. These include evil outsiders and many aberrations. Being not merely creatures of innate malevolence, but also foreign to Eberron, these entities cause the most harm to the physical and spiritual health of the world.   • Entities of unnatural evil. These include undead and lycanthropes, creatures that were native to Eberron but corrupted into something hideous. Their presence taints the world around them, making them almost as great a threat as outsiders.   • Entities of innate evil. These include most creatures that are malevolent as a group, such as medusas, yuan-ti, and hags, but are not unnatural.   • Those who choose evil. This includes all evil humanoids, warforged, and the like. Though the cliché of the Purified shows no mercy to evildoers, most real followers of the Flame seek to save these people, not destroy them. Human evil should be fought with compassion, diplomacy, and leading by example. Whenever possible, people should be shown the error of their ways and have the chance to correct their behavior. If this is not possible, the sword might be the only answer; it should never be the first choice, however.   • The evil within. Even the most devout follower of the Silver Flame holds sin in his heart. The Purified believe that once all other evil is destroyed, mortals must purge the very desire for it from their souls. Only then will the demon be expelled from the Silver Flame, and the final traces of evil vanish from the world.   Not only does the Church prioritize evil, it accepts the notion that sometimes a lesser evil can serve to fight a greater. Sometimes, good people might be forced to commit questionable acts in the battle against darkness, or sometimes even be sacrifi ced for a yet greater good. The Silver Flame does not encourage such decisions, nor does the Church always approve extreme measures, but sometimes no other choice exists.
Decree, Religious