New Galifar

When the Last War began many who had put their loyalties in one united Galifar were psychologically shattered. Unwilling to profess their allegiance to one nation these patriots set out to found a new region that would hold to the old tenets of Galifar. Duke Ven ir'Kesslan petitioned for rights to settle the previously uninhabited region known as Q'barra. He was granted those rights and he took a flotilla of ships set out along the coastline to find a place to settle the first of what they believed would be many cities to come. The journey was doomed from the start. Rough seas and piracy thinned the number of flotillas down by nearly a third. Finally the beleaguered caravan sojourned up Adder Bay and founded Adderport.   Over a decade Adderport slowly grew in size and the numbers of settlers swelled as more individuals, disenfranchised with the Last War sought refuge. As Adderport grew it quickly outgrew it's territory and new settlements spread out into what the people believed to be uninhabited Q'barra. They soon found that they had traveled over sites sacred to the lizardfolk tribes. In 969 after 41 years of relative peace the settlements were attacked by the Cold Sun Tribes. The battles were bloody and suddenly those who sought refuge from the neverending conflict of the Last War found themselves thrown into an altogether new fight. Veterans of the Last War took charge as field commanders and trained up militia. After a year of bloody conflict the settlers managed to repel the lizardfolk with magical skills and advanced weapons. Five years after the Twilight Walkers, one of the Cold Sun Tribes, approached the capital city of Newthrone and sat down with King Sebastes ir'Kesslan. At first the nobles were skeptical but after a long week of discussions the two parties had come to a tenuous accord known as the Vhak Za'shata. Since then the Twilight Walkers have acted as a liaison between the human settlements and the Cold Sun lizardfolk tribes.
Geopolitical, State

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