Parliament Hall
The legislative branch of the Brelish government operates out of an historic facility on the southern shore of the Howling River. The Parliament Hall consists of two chambers and a series of surrounding offices. Each member of the Parliament and their staffs have an office in the building, but the real work of the Parliament takes place within the two meeting chambers.
The Noble Chamber provides space for the hereditary members of Parliament to meet and debate the issues before them. These are the representatives of the noble families of Breland, and all twenty-seven have a seat in Parliament.
The Commons Chamber provides similar space for the legislators that are elected by popular vote. These are the representatives of villages, towns, and cities that stretch across the Brelish countryside; each serves a two-year term, but reelection is commonplace. When the full Parliament gets together to vote on pressing matters, the wall between the two chambers is removed, creating a single large hall.