Spy Master Thuel Racannoch

Spy Master Thuel Racannoch manages the Royal Eyes spy network and keeps track of Aundair's many agents. He was appointed by Queen Aurala ir’Wynarnto his position immediately after the conclusion of the Last War.   Originally, Thuel was little more than a smuggler and a swindler. At some point over the past fifteen years, however, the criminal was able to make contact with the Queen and offer her the sum of his knowledge into her enemies within the State and their aims. He maintained his position in the criminal underworld of Aundair for several more years, trading in intelligence against his nefarious acquaintences without taking a single crown, before he accepted his current role as Spy Master. This appointment was a mystery to many within the elite spy organization, but the two short years since have proven that the man has the skills necessary to run the nation's spy organization.   His spies have slowly adopted to his unique form of leadership, though many have met in private to complain about the loss of the veneer that the organization maintained for so many years. These conversations ended quickly when some of these detractors found themselves on "deep cover" missions in the midst of dangerous gangs. The very gangs that Thuel supposedly handed over information on, but had not made any moves on Thuel in the years since...