
Thothar is one of the city’s best-known gadflies, a soapbox orator who advocates nonviolent “revolution of the masses” and a democracy so laissez-faire that it borders on anarchy. The Royal Eyes keeps a close eye on him and arrests him periodically, but Thothar is careful not to explicitly advocate elimination of the crown or violence against any government apparatus.   Most Fairhaveners regard Thothar with a sympathetic ear, even if they realize that a consensus-driven society would never come to pass. But because Thothar moves in all circles of Fairhaven’s civic life, he’s one of the most well-informed residents of the city, capable of dishing out more rumor, gossip, and little-known fact than the nosiest courtier. He’s also an attentive student of magic, a knack he claims is a result of “a clear-headed revolution of the mind.” Thothar willingly casts legend lore, identify, or other spells in his repertoire on behalf of characters whom he thinks have the potential to become altruistic revolutionaries. If he doesn’t think you have sufficient revolutionary fervor, however, no amount of money will change his mind.   Thothar is also a good source when PCs gathering information within Fairhaven. He can be found in nearly any ward of the city, preaching a rose-colored future from a box on the sidewalk.

In Our Story:


  Thothar is extremely knowledgeable of the goings-on in Fairhaven, and may be able to point the party in the right direction if it suits him. Given his propensity to hear things first, he may even have a task for the party.

Interactions with other NPCs:

  Thothar is constantly at odds with the crown, and is under surveillance from the Royal Eyes. If the party is observed around Thothar too often, they may draw the ire of the royalty (or at least be viewed as suspicious).