Dragonborn Species in Eberron | World Anvil


When the jungle’s hidden darkness stirs, the children of the dragon will scatter into shadow, keeping their eternal watch. — The Draconic Prophecy, as recorded in the Mar’saval Scrolls

Tens of thousands of years ago, the dragons of Argonnessen established a garrison of dragonborn in what is now Q’barra. These warriors were assigned to protect the region against the influence of the Lords of Dust. Over time they drifted away from their duties, building a nation in eastern Khorvaire and clashing with the goblinoids of the Dhakaani Empire.


This dragonborn nation came crashing down when one of the ancient fiendish Overlords stirred, unleashing fiends and corrupting many of the dragonborn themselves. Their nation in ruins, the dragonborn retreated to the darkness of Q’barra. They have remained there ever since, guarding against corruption and fighting the evil forces of the Poison Dusk which is sometimes described as a cult devoted to a dragon, and sometimes as an army gathering in the name of a fiendish Overlord.


To date the dragonborn have largely ignored the humans of Q’barra, and the few humans who’ve encountered dragonborn believe they’re some exotic type of lizardfolk. If you’re a dragonborn, what has caused you to emerge from Q’barra? Are you on a quest to help your people or to oppose the Lords of Dust? Are you driven by wanderlust or curiosity? Did you serve as a mercenary in the Last War? How might your travels tie to the fate of your people?