House Cannith Organization in Eberron | World Anvil

House Cannith

House Cannith

  Leaders: Cannith East, Zorlan d’Cannith; Cannith West, Jorlanna d’Cannith; Cannith South, Merrix d’Cannith   Headquarters: Cannith East, Korth Enclave (Karrnath Cannith West, Aundair Enclave (near Fairhaven, Aundair Cannith South, Cannith Tower (Sharn, Breland)   House Cannith dominates all forms of manufacturing, both mystical and mundane. Gorgon-marked Cannith forgeholds use streamlined forms of production to quickly produce common goods. Even independent artisans often learn their trade at Cannith academies and adhere to Cannith standards. The House of Making builds the tools the other houses rely upon, and it has always been the unspoken leader of the Twelve.   The Last War was a time of great opportunity for Cannith. Every nation wanted weapons and warforged, along with mundane arms and armor. The war raised the house up, and then tore it down. House Cannith was based in Cyre, and the Mourning destroyed the house leadership and key facilities. Now three barons jockey to fill the leadership vacuum: the alchemist Jorlanna of Fairhaven, weaponsmith Zorlan of Korth, and Merrix of Sharn, innovator of warforged. It remains to be seen whether one of these leaders will unite the house, or if it will shatter under the strain. If you’re an heir of House Cannith, you should decide which of these barons you serve or if you have other ideas about the house’s future.  

The Last War

  When the Last War broke out, Cannith was ready to reap the benefits and acted as an arms dealer to all nations. They amassed a great fortune in gold, rivaling that of House Kundarak. They also gained something more valuable than money: political power. The Five Nations became so reliant on Cannith weapons that the availability of their goods began to affect how each nation made policy decisions, giving the dragonmarked house unprecedented political advantage.   The first warforged soldiers marched out of Cannith's forgehold at Whitehearth in 965 YK. But simply supplying weapons and armor was not enough for the ambitious Cannith; they would also supply the soldiers to wield them. By the end of the war. House Cannith was believed to be the most powerful dragonmarked house.   That ended on the Day of Mourning in 994 YK. The disaster that destroyed Cyre also destroyed the Whitehearth forgehold and its wealth, knowledge, and resources and inhabitants. Among the casualties were the Cannith patriarch Baron Starrin d'Cannith and many of the House's heirs.   Starrin's death caused a succession crisis within House Cannith, as his appointed successor was his only son, Norran d'Cannith, who also perished in the Mourning.[1] With the house in disarray and with so many high-ranking officials suddenly dead, no one still within the house could come to a fair or just vote. Three rivals within the house each rose to claim the title, each one seeking to rule the powerful house.[citation needed]   After the war, matters only got worse for Cannith. The Treaty of Thronehold not only liberated the warforged, but also banned Cannith from creating any more. With the end of the war came the end of Cannith's role as an international arms dealer and some of their political influence ended with it.   The leaders of House Cannith today have become incredibly determined to restore their power and wealth leading to bitter rivalry amongst the leaders. At any given moment, the inventors of House Cannith are hard at work in secret laboratories, relentlessly working to out-do their past creations and create Eberron's next technological revolution.
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