House Deneith Organization in Eberron | World Anvil

House Deneith

House Deneith

  Leader: Breven d’Deneith   Headquarters: Sentinel Tower (Karrlakton, Karrnath)   House Deneith was born in Karrnath, and war flows in its veins. For centuries, the Blademarks Guild of House Deneith has governed the mercenary trade. While warriors with the Mark of Sentinel are among its most elite forces, House Deneith brokers the services of a wide range of soldiers, including Valenar war bands and the goblins of Droaam. Beyond the battlefield, the Defender’s Guild provides exceptional bodyguards for those who can afford their services. House Deneith is also renowned for its Sentinel Marshals, agents who hold the authority to pursue criminals and enforce the law across the length of Khorvaire. The Sentinel Marshals hold the honor of the house in their hands. Being a Marshal is a privilege, and it comes with high expectations.   Despite its might and the desire of some house members to flex their military muscles, House Deneith has always maintained absolute neutrality, selling its services to all sides of a conflict. Baron Breven d’Deneith shows no inclination of using the massive, chi­mera-marked military forces of his house for his own ends, but he’s surrounded by aggressive advisors who would like to see a Deneith ruling all Khorvaire. House Deneith is also caught in an escalating rivalry with House Tharashk, as it edges into the mercenary trade.  

The Last War

  Despite having strong ties and the majority of its members being Karrnathi, Deneith refused to take sides during the Last War. Deneith earned its status as a mercenary house during the war by offering soldiers from its Blademarks guild to all nations. It carefully contracted its soldiers by selecting battles to ensure no Deneith forces would clash against each other. During the war, a Cyran general ordered his Deneith troops to assault a garrison guarded by other Deneith soldiers. The general became infuriated when the mercenaries refused his orders and retaliated by ordering Cyran troops to attack the Blademark "traitors". The Cyran troops were defeated as the Cyran-hired Deneith troops banded together with their comrades at the garrison. During the war, Deneith and House Ghallanda put together a tactical alliance wherein Deneith troops were followed by Ghallanda members who provided them with food and shelter.   House Deneith once showed no interest in the political side of the dragonmarked houses, Since the end of the war, however, it has become confrontational with House Cannith and House Tharashk. The reason for this is simply business: Deneith see House Cannith's warforged and House Tharashk's monstrous mercenaries as potential competition for their soldiers-for-hire.