House Tharashk Organization in Eberron | World Anvil

House Tharashk

House Tharashk

  Leader: The Triumvirate (Maagrim Torrn, Khandar’aashta, and Daric Velderan)   Headquarters: Zarash’ak, Shadow Marches   House Tharashk traditionally licenses inquisitives and bounty hunters. Recently the house’s Finder’s Guild has expanded into dragonshard prospecting. As dragon­shards are the lifeblood of the magical economy, the house’s talent has given them new wealth and influence.   Tharashk is the youngest of the dragonmarked houses and hasn’t embraced all the customs of the others. The distinct clans that united to form the house remain important, and heirs of the family usually retain their family names rather than adopting “d’Tharashk” as tradition dictates. Each of the three major clans—the Aashta, the Torrn, and the Velderan—has a representative on the Triumvirate that governs the house, and the city of Zarash’ak in the Shadow Marches. Together, they stand as one under the emblem of the dragonne (a lion-dragon hybrid).  

The Last War

When the Last War began, Tharashk had little interest and involvement, and the combatants had no need of them. The war had no effect on Tharashk's trade as this was limited to the wilds and Shadow Marches. The only times Tharashk was called upon was for search and rescue missions, which felt more like a charity than business.[2]   The war finally came to Tharashk in its later stages, though not in any way they expected. The war led to the rise of Droaam as a nation and House Tharashk took advantage of this by negotiating trade deals and eventually an alliance.