New Cyre, Golden Dragon Inn

"The place to satisfy all your drinking and sleeping needs!"



This is a two story inn with a golden roof. There is a wooden sign with a golden dragon on it drinking an ale with the Inn's name on it. The base walls on the first floor are made of a gray stone and light brown wood with supports and struts. Upon opening the hardy and rough wooden door and entering the inn, the smell of baked muffins and cedar fill your nostrils and you can hear the constant yet faint chatter of chitchat from other patrons at circular tables. Their is a smooth wooden bar in the center of the room with the tables placed in a hexagonal form around the inn; to the left of the door is a magically lit fire pit with five arm chairs and the typical halfling tends the bar.



The inn is always bustling with activity from frequents and travelers alike   d4:   1) Alexia Wheatflow   2) Thundu Rubyminer   3) Frederick Drake   4) Raffolk Warney  


"Welcome! Welcome! So good to see you again!"  


This Inn's rooms can easily fit 2 people in each and has 6 rooms available. All lodging expenses are doubled compared to normal prices due to influx of people   Poor: (1 room) (2 sp)   Modest:(3 rooms)(1 gp a night)   Comfortable: (2 rooms)(1 gp & 6 sp a night)  


  All food prices except bread are doubled due to recent shortages and lack of aid from Breland   House specials  
  • Rack of owlbear ribs. Cost: 8 sp
  • Bread pudding with extra sharp dire goat cheese. Comes with a side of grilled onions and carrots. Cost:4 sp
  • Potatoes! Potatoes of all sizes. Grab a giant potato bowl for potato soup with a side of roasted potatoes.Cost: 4 sp


Prices are normal. "Thank the gods!"   House specials  
  • The Flaming Dragon - A spicy beer that causes the user to breathe fire when they burp. Cost: 1 sp
  • Lily in a Well - a tall mug of ale, half full with an edible flower garnish.Cost:8 cp
  • Shamrock Shake - Instant dc15 con save. On fail the patron is incapacitated. No save required if patron has Irish (sounding) accent.Cost: 1 sp & 2 cp


The Innkeeper hears all sorts of rumors throughout the day and nothing gets by him. He will gladly tell you any information he knows as long as it doesn't bring harm to his buisness... for a favor!  


The inn offers to take horses and carriages to The House Orien Enclave for a small fee. Cost: 2 sp (not including Orien fees)  


Since House Kundarak doesn't have an offical bank here just yet, the Inn offers an enchanted safe for storage at a slight fee. Cost: 3 sp per 10 pounds for every day.  

Job Postings

The Golden dragon Inn has a job postings board for able bodied and adventures filled with jobs that need work.  


Th tavern has music softly playing in the background from various musicians every day who accept tips for their music. In the Corner is a Human male named Cedric who runs a game table.  
  Devils Dice: The player rolls a d6 while the dealer rolls 3d6. If one of the dealers dice equals the players dice then the player gets their money back plus a set amount. If two of the dealers dice equals the players dice the player gets their money back plus double the set amount. If three of the dealers dice equals the players dice the player gets their money back plus triple the set amount.Their is three levels of play.   Common's league:   entry cost: 4 sp   bet: 2 sp   Adventure's league:   entry cost: 16 gp   bet: 8 gp   Noble's league:   entry cost:32 gp   bet:16 gp   Poker: On round one Each player rolls a d12 and keeps the roll secret. The players must go around the table choosing to call(eqaul the bet), raise(raise the bet to a certain amount), or fold(discard hand, and no longer make bets but cannot win) until all bets are equal. Then on the second round the dealer rolls a d12 publically and the players repeat the same process of going around the table deciding to raise, call, or fold. Finally, on the third round the dealer rolls for the last time and the players get one last chance to call, raise, or fold. Then the players still in play reveal their hidden dice and who ever has the highest wins. The winner gets 80% of the bet with 20% going to the dealer. If there is a tie then they split the 80%.Their is three levels to choose from.   Common's league:   Starting minimum bet: 3 sp   Adventure's league:   Starting minimum bet: 20 gp   Noble's league:   Starting Minimum bet: 50 gp


  Drink   Food   Lodging   Information   Stabling   Storage   Job Postings   Entertainment   Cleaning and Mending

Background information

The Golden Dragon Inn was established by House Ghallanda who established the inn to help foster growth in New Cyre. Without this inn the town would be more refugee camp than town. It is one of the wealthiest buisnesses in town and is well respected by all and sometimes even the prince leaves his castle to come to the inn for a drink.

Articles under New Cyre, Golden Dragon Inn