New Cyre, The Brass Skull



The Brass Skull is a two-story building that's slightly higher in height compared to the other buildings. The walls are a black-like stone with veins of brass etched into it with big oak pillars holding up the structure. The sign above the bronze wood door is a brass skull with interlocking cogs behind the skull. There always seems to be a mechanical brass bird sitting on the sign chirping. When entering the room their is an intense smell of oil, slightly burnt rubber, and metal. Their is various contraptions on shelves ligning the walls and above is floating lanterns with various sizes of mechanical birds flying above playing a game of chase. Their is a front desk with a clean top except for the occasional oil stain. The floorboards always creak now and again.



  "If it ain't broke, throw it out and start again!"  


  Hazer d'Cannith has a wide range of mechanical trinkets for sell ranging many sizes.  
  • A small gold ring set with a magical stone that dimly glows any color the wearer desires.Cost: 20 gp
  • A heart-shaped locket that allows you to mentally send up to thirteen words once per day to the person whose name is engraved in the locket. They can immediately respond back with thirteen words. Cost: 25
  • A vase that keeps any flowers placed in it from wilting.Cost: 10 gp
  • A pea-sized crystal and a compass that always points toward the crystal. Cost: 15 gp
  • A stone mug carved with images of feasting dwarves. Any water put in the mug turns into dwarven ale. If you drink the ale you must make a constitution save DC 13 or become drunk for the next 1d4 hours. While drunk you are poisoned and can speak Dwarven.Cost: 25 gp
  • A water skin that can hold a barrel's worth of water (59 gallons).Cost: 35 gp
  • A pair of contact lenses that gives you 10 ft. darkvision. Cost: 30 gp
  • A dragonfly carved out of jade that, when active, flies around you killing mosquitos and flies. Cost: 20 gp

Minor Magical Items

  • Clockwork Amulet Cost:70 gp
  • Armblade Cost: 60 gp (It does not require a bonus action as per new rules)
  • Hat of Wizardry Cost: 50 gp
  • Heward’s Handy Spice Pouch Cost: 45 GP

Warforged Modifications

  Finger picks. With a faint click, a series of slender wires, probes, and picks slide from the tips of your fingers. These delicate, intricate tools function as masterwork thieves’ tools that grant a +2 to thieves tool checks Cost: 600 gp   Leg Enhancement. A Warforged who chooses this body augmentation upgrades the constructed “muscles” in his legs; Your speed is increased by 10 ft. You can use your dexterity for high and long jumps; also your jump distance is doubled. You also gain proficiency in acrobatics and athletics if not already. Cost 2,000 gp   Armor Enhancement. A Warforged who chooses this body augmentation upgrades the constructed built-in armor plates of their body with more resiliant metals; Your Intergrated protection feature now grants a +2 to AC instead of +1. Also the doning and doffing times for you are reduced to 5 minutes instead of an hour. Your weight is also increased by 50 pounds. Cost 1,500 gp   Cosmetic Enhancement. A Warforged can have many characteristics of them customized. For each cosmetic feature added there is a price, however, their is a limit. You cannot add on additional body parts such as extra arms or a tail. The features can not have a game mechanic associated to it to further enhance your abilities and you must maintain your general body shape. Cost: Each addition is 25 gp    


  Hazer has a few "uniquely" modified devices on hand for use.   Lightning bear trap. This bear trap acts as a normal bear trap, however, whenever it is activated it also sends an electric charge dealing 2d6 additional lightning damage.Cost: 50 gp   alarming tripwire. This trip wire can be tied around two objects 50 ft. apart and it requires a DC 14 perception check to spot. When it is tripped or touched it lets out a loud ring which can be heard in a 100 ft. radius circle area centered on it. Cost: 30 gp   Insta-ladder While in it's compressed form the ladder appears as a simple bar. As a bonus action you can expand the ladder to have it go up to 50 ft. making a ladder made of metal which you can climb. You can use your bonus action to compress the ladder again, it weights 10 pounds regardless of form and while compressed is a 3 ft. rod Cost: 50 gp  

Mechanical survellince

Hazer has a fleet of mechanical birds which can be rented out by adventurers for survellince. Cost: 1 gp a day   The birds take a variety of forms, however, none of them are big enough to be considered a threat or are combat oriented as none of them have weapons.   When you rent a mechanical bird you create a psychic link with the bird that goes out to 500 ft. away where you can see through it's senses as well as your own.The bird has a flying speed of 40 ft. and is a tiny construct. While in combat it shares the users turn where they can verbally command it(no action required) to move; it can only take the dash or dodge actions and it can only pick something up that weights 2 pounds or less.   When you rent a bird you sign a contract that if it is damaged in anyway or destroyed you must pay to repair or replace it. (repairs can range from 5 gp to 60 gp and replacing it is 150 gp). you preemptively determine how long you have the bird with the contract and pay up front. When the contract ends the bird will sever the psychic link and return to Hazer's workshop using a built in tracking system and homing device.


  Magical trinkets   Minor magical items   Warforged modifications   Contraptions   Mechanical survellince

Shop owner

  Hazer d'Cannith is a male human with the mark of making. He has short, straight, brown hair and black eyes. He has smooth white skin and He stands (6'1") tall and has a muscular build. He has a square, average face and is very intelligent. He sporadically squints. He is very talkative, but He doesn't tolerate nicknames. He feels bad for the situation regarding the Warforged and their freedom.   Hazer worked with House Cannith with the building of warforged and grew up in Eston. He was on house buisness outside the nation when the Mourning happened. After the war, he "retired" to make a living as a lone artificer, but he still keeps his Cannith ties.