New Cyre, The Faulty Dice


  From the outside this house looks very elegant. It has been built with cypress wood and has poplar wooden decorations. Tall, rounded windows allow enough light to enter the store and have been added to the house in a very asymmetric way.The building is rectangular shaped. The house is half surrounded by wooden sunscreens structures. The second floor is smaller than the first, which allowed for a roof garden on one side of the house. This floor has a different style than the floor below. The roof is high and v-shaped and is covered with grey ceramic tiles. Two large chimneys poke out the center of the roof. Many smaller windows let in plenty of light to the rooms below the roof. their is displays at the front of the store showing off merchandise. The store smells of jam and cinnamon.  


"You name it, I got it... sometimes. Supply has been tight recently."  


  Kaldas has a wide range of stock and merchandise as a horizontal expansion for his buisness as a more mundane convienient store. However, due to the Last War, He is often plagued with item shortages and has to compromise where he can.   Kaldas sells equipment that costs less than 25 gp that is not arcane or religous oriented.   Shortages:   Rations: Due to a lack of food, ration prices are doubled.   Bedrolls and sleeping bags: Kaldas just can't get a hand on bedrolls and sleeping bags and when he does they are sold immediately.     Hammers: Hammers were in great demand in the war for weapon and armor smiths and he can't get any currently  

Unique items

  Every once in a while Kaldas gets a hold of something unique and special and tries to sell it to adventurers as they are the most likely to buy it and get it off his hands.   Quiver Of Ehlonna (Cost: 500 gp): Wondrous Item, uncommon   This quiver is made of a dark green leather like substance while also being gilded with gold. The quiver is definetly of human make, yet it is covered in various symbols that seem to have no meaning to them. History wise this quiver was used by a well renown Sharpshooter early in The Last War, however, they remain unnamed and are most likely dead.   Each of the quiver's three compartments connects to an extradimensional space that allows the quiver to hold numerous items while never weighing more than 2 pounds. The shortest compartment can hold up to sixty arrows, bolts, or similar objects. The midsize compartment holds up to eighteen javelins or similar objects. The longest compartment holds up to six long objects, such as bows, quarterstaffs, or spears. You can draw any item the quiver contains as if doing so from a regular quiver or scabbard.   Minor Property: Gloom-Sight.   If the bearer of this item possesses darkvision, the effective distance of that darkvision increases by 20 feet while the item is on the bearer’s person. It does not, however, grant darkvision to a bearer who does not already possess it.  

Local Items

  Preserved Jams (Cost: 2 gp): These preserved jams are excellent for adventurers who want rations that are actually tasty. Get some bread and it gets even better. The flavors range from Strawberry, Blueberry, Orange, and Fish guts! (1 pound of food)   Local Map (Cost: 25 gp): This local map is excellent for those new to the area and need to get around. With this map, you have advantage on survival checks to get to locations within 30 miles of the town.
Services   Equipment   Occasional unique items   local items
Shopkeeper   Kaldas Shopkeeper is a male Triton and has cropped, straight, white hair and brown eyes. He has veiny, pockmarked, green skin and He stands 5'8" tall and has a lean build. He has an oblong, very unremarkable face and has a scar on his neck. He is very selfish and wears modest clothes. He feels more comfortable underwater.