Session 4: A difficult situation three

As the party faces Yemik and his army, they realize they are trapped. R0-K1 discretely tells his fellow party members a plan to get out of this conundrum. Everyone discusses the plan very quietly and quickly before enacting the plan. R0-K1 casts a fog cloud on most of the army, then everyone starts to run down various alleyways. To distract the army, even more, Adonis casts a moonbeam drawing them away. Adonis and Alex run together in a zig-zag formation then hide in a basement, while Navi is being gained on by Yemik. R0-K1 helps Navi escape Yemik after Navi casts cause fear on Yemik. R0-K1 and Navi meet up with their companions after escaping Yemik, and they devise a plan to leave. It takes the party a few hours to get out of the hell-hole crater. After getting out, the party decides to continue moving on before it gets too dark out. Everyone sets up camp, and Navi begins to study the relic to find out that it is very powerful.

The next day comes by quickly and the party continues their adventure to get to New Cyre with Navi navigating them. As they travel they come across a traveler on the side of the road. The traveler asks the party for their help in killing a mage that is corrupting animals to make them attack a nearby town. Everyone agrees to take on this quest after questioning how genuine they are being. The party heads in the direction of where the mage lives according to the traveler. When in the forest everyone searches around until they find a small hut and the mage sitting out by a fire. The party tries sneaking around to get closer to being discovered by the mage. Alex stays hidden in the trees while the rest of the party talks to the mage to figure out why she is corrupting the animals. They find out the town wants to expand where there is a tree with a seal to keep some demon locked away. R0-K1 convinces the mage to go into the town with them, but in a disguise, to help convince the town to not cut the tree down for expansion. Everyone heads to the town after they disguise the mage and Alex reveals herself. They find the mayor in the town when they arrive, and they convince him to let someone show him the seal, and that someone is the mage in disguise. Everyone heads to the tree to prove the seal is there, and to the mayor’s surprise, the seal is revealed by the mage. The mayor leaves to let us handle renewing the seal. The mage appears to be renewing the seal, only for the party to realize that she’s actually releasing the demon. Everyone fights the mage and the demon, and the party wins. The whole town was there watching and we got our gold and left after burying the bodies under the tree. After sending regards to the town, the party continues heading to New Cyre.

The party finally reaches New Cyre after a few hours and is met with many different buildings, beggars, robot birds, and a tree with metal bark and crystal leaves. During the party walkthrough, they find the Golden Dragon Inn, where they meet up with Kara d’Cannith. Upon entering the inn, Kara is ecstatic to see that everyone survived and that they brought the relic as she asked. Everyone discusses how the quest went, and what obstacles were there. Kara tells the party she will look into Yemik and Dalvur the Sword, then she leaves the party to relax in the inn. Everyone decides to indulge in some alcohol, although people do find it weird that Adonis is using a straw so he doesn’t have to remove his mask. After some alcohol, everyone but Adonis decides to play poker. During the game of poker, Alex is seducing a soldier named Fredrick; at the very end, Alex wins. After playing some more gambling games, everyone heads to bed so they can explore tomorrow.