Slang and insults in Eberron | World Anvil

Slang and insults

This is for those who are interested in having their character(s) be more rooted in Eberron culture. Cultures and races are found every where in Eberron so their isn't a reason why an elf reacher can use an orc insult on an Aundarian who tells him "You look like a floppy-eared twig!"  


  General Slang   "dragonmark": term for someone with a dragonmark   "Flayed god’s skin!": An oath to the Mockery   "forged": slang term for warforged   "gaa'ma": pejorative term for changelings; wax baby in Goblin   "marcher": anyone from the Shadow Marches   "Mourner": slang term for Cyran refugees; probably not an affectionate one   "reacher": anyone from the Eldeen Reaches   "Sovereigns and Six!": exclamation invoking the Sovereign Host and the Dark Six   "Sovereign and Flame": exclamation invoking the Sovereign Host and the Silver Flame for protection   "spawn of khyber": aberrations, fiends, or undead   "Tiger's blood!": shifter curse expressing anger   "tak": slang for thank you for people from the Eldeen Reaches, twice tak means thank you very much   "weretouched": slang for shifters; probably regarded as an insult by shifters   "Dragons below..." or "Sovereigns above..." used to express disbelief or disappointment. Kind of like when your dad starts a sentence with "Jesus Christ"   "Hotter than Onatar's forge." Dwarven way of saying something is really hot.   "Khyber"! Eberrons equivalent of Hell. so instead of "What the hell" it's "What the Khyber"!   Aundarian   “Dirty hands stroke a white beard.” As you get older, you may have to compromise your youthful ideals. More generally used to mean sometimes you have to compromise.   “Have two strings for your bow.” An expression of caution and preparation.   “Without wine there is no conversation.” Beyond its obvious meaning, the phrase is spoken as a request for or promise of hospitality.   “Brightness be!” An expression of surprise.   “Aundair dares! Aundair dares!” A warcry and taunt popular among Aundairian soldiers during the Last War   Karrnathi   “You can break a single arrow, but not ten in a bunch.” Used to express how Karrns prefer to work together, find- ing strength in numbers. It’s also a subtle reminder to conform to the direction the other “arrows” (fellow citizens) are taking.   “While the wolf drinks,the dog looks on.”A Karrnathi way of saying “rank has its privileges.”   “There’s more to good ale than a silver flagon.” A Karrnathi proverb expressing a preference for substance over style.   “Edible birds don’t live long.” A Karrnathi warning not to make yourself a tempting target to your rivals; a way of saying “put your guard up.”   “KhootKarrnath!”A battle cheer common among rank-and-file Karrn troopers. The “oo” sounds are often drawn out into a howling wail.   “Blunted!” An expression of dismay or failure.   Tharish   “Flame forgive me.” An expression usually preceding or following a nasty curse or insult.   “The Journey Yet to Come” Any unforeseen incident, the future, or more commonly, a shifter’s destiny.   Warforged   “Dis” A shortened way of saying “dispel magic,” this word indicates that a spellcaster should dispel the magic on an indicated friend, foe, object, or area. The type of dispelling or negating magic is unimportant. A warforged uses “dis” for everything from dispel magic to remove fear. The command leaves it to the spellcaster to determine the spell needed to negate the effect.   “Ground” This brief command is usually shouted by a member of a unit when ranged attack is imminent. Warforged understand it to mean that they should take cover if possible or simply lie prone if cover is unavailable.   “Points north” This command indicates that soldiers should aim ranged attacks or spells at an indicated enemy commander.   “Points south” This command indicates that soldiers should aim their ranged attacks or offensive spells at an indicated spellcaster.   “Repair” Although often shouted like a command, this word is really a request for aid. Once used only when a warforged was in danger of being destroyed by damage, it indicates the need for repairing magic and for another soldier to take the warforged’s place in the fight.   “Rush” This word means “attack” and is usually fol- lowed by a single-word descriptor, such as “north” for an indicated enemy commander or “south” for an indicated spellcaster. This command does not necessarily indicate a charge, only what the focus of a unit’s or soldier’s melee attacks should be. Thus, a warforged in an adventuring party fighting a spell- caster with a charmed ogre minion might call to the fighter, “Rush ogre,” while to the others he says, “Points rush south!”   “Scarce” Usually whispered, this command indicates that soldiers should immediately hide.   "Fleshies" Usually a term by certain warforged for those of other races. Some can see it as rude or racist.   Goblin, Bugbear, Orc, and Hobgoblin   "ban": goblin noncommittal expression   "Blood of Six Kings": goblin oath on the kings of Dhakaan   "chat'oor": goblin term for humanoids not native to Khorvaire; defiler in Goblin   "chib": boss or big man in Goblin   "dagga": orc expression of affirmation   "Darguul": goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears who live in Darguun   "jungle rats": goblin insult for gnomes   "taat": goblin term for someone of lower status   "shekot": orc term for someone behaving deplorably; inconsiderate ass in Orc  


  A good way of creating swears of your own is as follows: (God) (Modifier) (Body part/thing). This format will create swears like "Dolurrh's dead eyes" or "by the Devourer's crimson teeth" or "Arawai's silver arrows" or "khybers crusty arsehole"   General Swears/Insults   “7 hells”   "step off a tower"   "Thrice-damned" invokes the Progenitors, essentially Damned by Eberron, Khyber, and Siberys. So, that "thrice-damned dwarf!"   “If I were to speak your name, it would blister my tongue!”   “Stand and face us you pig, you cur!”   You’re weaker than the alcohol I drink.”   “You reek of dung and fouled ale!”   “Your very existence is an insult to all!”   “You snot-faced hoglout!”   “You orc-faced moron!”   “You look like the armpit of an unshaven bog hag!”   “You look like the offspring of a vulture and a rat!”   “You smell like an ogre’s belch!”   “You are maggot pie served out of a dwarf’s codpiece!”   “You look like a scab on a troll’s wart!”   “A goblin with one hand nailed to a tree would be more of a threat than you!”   “Your mother was yeti and your father was a dung farmer!”   (to a woman) “Be gone, you limp-chested harpy!”   (to a woman) “Your hair is a patch of weeds and your face, a dog’s arse!”   (to a man) “I’ve seen little girls that are more of a man than you are!”   (to a man) “Mess with me, and I’ll send you crying to your mommy!”   (to a dwarf) “You have more beard than wit, and more stench than beard!”   (to an elf) “You must have been born in a stupid-tree, fell, and hit every branch on the way down!”   (to an elf) “You look like a floppy-eared twig!”   (to an elf/eladrin) “Corellon is a jester for the real gods, and Sehanine is their whore!”   (to an eladrin) “Why don’t you teleport yourself into a cow’s arse!”   (to a tielfling) “You look like a cross-eyed goat that was spat out of the Nine Hells!”   (to a tielfling) “Come here, so I can slap you with your own tail!”   (to a tiefling) “I bet you trip over that tail every time you walk down some stairs!”   (to a dragonborn) “Is that the best you’ve got, lizard-breath?”   (to a half-elf) “I should expect as much from a half-breed!”   (to a halfling) “I’d fight you if I could find a stool for you to stand on!”   (to a halfling) “Go drown in your river, you measly little rat!”   (to a monster) “Things that crawl in the mud are worth as much as the dung they sleep in!”   (to a monster) “You’re going to regret slithering out of whatever filth-hole you came from!”   (to a foe from another plane) “I’m going to give you a very brief and violent welcome to my world!”   (to a fighter) “You wield a sword like a dwarf trying to juggle a fish!”   (to a wizard/warlock/sorcerer) “Your magic is about as potent as a bee trying to sting boulder!”   (to a ranger) “You butter-fingered beast-lover, you couldn’t hit a castle from two feet away!”   (to a cleric/paladin) “You thick-headed puppet, I’ll strangle you with that chain around your neck!”   (to a warlord) “You are like a mangy dog, leading a pack of mongrels!”   (to a rogue) “You and your wimpy little knife should have stayed in hiding!”   (to a bard) “Your tunes are like the sound of a dying goat!”   (to a barbarian) “Why don’t you chop your own head off, you rabies-brained ogre!”   "you nug humping bastard!"   "Kyhber’s great flaming ass!"   varlet   rapscallion   whore-monger   Aundarian   “Chattering doesn’t roll the barrel.” Shut up and get to work, in other words.   "Twelve Moons" Effectively "Well, F*ck"!   Brelish   “Ogre’s eyes!” An expletive, similar to “drat!”   “Dagger take you.” An expression of annoyance or anger, referring to the fast-moving currents of the Dagger River which quickly wash away whatever falls in it.   “Tower spit!” An expression of discontent or an indication of nonsense, similar to hogwash. It refers to the spray that falls from the towers of Sharn during and immediately after it rains.   Tharish   “Crooked!” An expletive, similar to “drat!”   “What filth!” An expression of discontent or an indication of nonsense, similar to “hogwash!”