The Mourning in Eberron | World Anvil

The Mourning

The nation of Cyre was once the heart of the kingdom of Galifar. The Last War took a heavy toll on Cyre and its citizens, as the nation became a primary battleground where the Five Nations crossed swords. But no one was prepared for the disaster that struck in 994 YK.


Accounts of the Mourning vary. Some say that a blinding light engulfed the battlefield near the Saerun Road. Others say that dead-gray mists rose in the capital city of Metrol and spread from there. Within the space of one day, the nation of Cyre had been engulfed in a wall of mist, and anything caught within the mists was horrifically transformed. Over a million Cyrans were killed on the day of Mourning. Those who survived were soldiers fighting in enemy territory, those living on the borders who were able to flee from the advancing mists, and those few who were able to escape the interior through magical means. On 20 Olarune 994 YK, the nation of Cyre ceased to exist.


The Mourning threw Khorvaire into a state of shock. Who could unleash such power? Was this a weapon, and if so, when would those responsible issues their demands? Were the borders of the lingering walls of mist stable, or could they expand at any moment? What was to be done with the Cyran refugees surging into every adjacent nation? Fear of the Mourning ended the war. But all those questions remain unanswered.


Breland opened its borders to refugees, and Prince Oargev serves as de facto ruler in the area now called New Cyre. Despite its grand name, New Cyre is little more than a vast refugee camp. Other refugees scattered across Khorvaire; some are treated with pity, others with suspicion or anger. And fear of the Mourning hangs like a shadow across Khorvaire. Could it happen again? Is this how the world ends?