Titles of the Houses in Eberron | World Anvil

Titles of the Houses

Generally speaking, leadership within the house falls into a few levels. These levels were formalized by House Sivis in the few centuries between the War of the Mark and the founding of Galifar.   Baron(s) are at the top and elected by a council of Viceroys. Most houses only have one, but House Cannith has split politics and no agreed baron, while House Tharashk rules by Triumvirate (Each triumvir is from one of the major clans of Tharashk)   Lords (Seneschal) each represent the house's operations within a nation, and collectively advise the baron. A baron can also appoint additional advisors to this level, but they lack the authority of leading the house's operations within a nation   Viceroys are regional directors and through politics are functionally hereditary positions, staying within families, despite being appointed positions.   The next tier splits into two paths. Administrators who specifically oversee guild functions are known as masters, while those who manage the internal affairs of a house are ministers. Beneath these come the standard hirelings of the house, whose titles are simply descriptive. In House Ghallanda, the Viceroy of Sharn oversees all activities in the region, and the Master of Agriculture coordinates supplies and the purchase and distribution of foodstuffs, but each individual hostel is run by a house member with the lofty title of innkeeper.