Tybris writingham's caravan of necessary adventure goods


This shop is a collection of five tents made out of a purple and blue cloth. They are in a circular pattern with a massive one centered in the middle. Above the entrance in big bold letters reads "Tybris writingham's caravan of necessary adventure goods". You can smell the faint aroma of smoke, wine, and cheese. Upon entering you see various shelfs protected by glass  


"Are you sure you have everything you need? let me help you out!"  


Tybris sells quite the assortment of items any adventurer needs  
  Tybris sells all adventuring gear, weapons, and tool sets with the following adjusted prices:  
  • Rations: Due to a lack of food, ration prices are doubled.
  • Bedrolls and sleeping bags: Tybris has a very small stock so the price is triple the usual
  • Hammers: Hammers were in great demand in the war for weapon and armor smiths and he can't get any currently
  •   Climber's Kits: These are in high demand and the price has been increase to 45 gp.  
  • Soap: Soap is incredibly rare over here and Tybris is trying to keep his, but he's willing to part with a bar for 10 gp
  He also sells the following unique items:  
  • Platinum rings (stock: 4)(Cost: 60 gp)
  • Set of Diamonds (Stock: 2) (Cost: 300 gp)
  • Assassins blood (stock: 2)(Cost: 180)
  • A tiny silver icon of a raven (stock: 1)(Cost: 10 gp)
Magic Items
    manaweave robes   wondrous item, Uncommon   These robes are weaved using silk and the blood of a mage granting it magical energies. These robes store a spellslot from 1st to 3rd level that you can use as a substitute for your spells. Whenever you finish a long rest roll a d20. On a 1 the robes don't have a spellslot for the day. rolling 2 - 10 gives the robes a 1st level spell slot to use. Rolling 11 - 19 grants a 2nd level spellslot to use. Rolling a 20 grants a 3rd level spellslot to use.   Magical protection. Whenever you are subjected to a spell effect that requires a saving throw, you can roll a d4 and add it to your total potentially turning a failure into a success. Once this feature turns a success into a failure you can't use this again until you take a long rest.  


  Tybris can use his mechanical eyes to identify any magic item for 10 gp  


  The two statues of armor are two massive shield guardians that are linked to Tybris. The glass protecting all the items are 3 inches thick and even the slightest scratch on the glass makes a screeching noise that can be heard in 30 ft. Tybris is armed with a wand of fireballs and has the keys to all the containers on his person at all times. There is also a total of 12 guards in the other tents.


Tybris Writingham


  Adventuring gear   Magic Items   Identification