Aasterinian Character in Eberron | World Anvil


The Messenger of Io, the Dawn Reveler

Aasterinian (a-ster-IN-ee-in) the Dawn Reveler is the draconic deity who embodies the chaos that new ideas and experiences bring to life and enjoys disturbing the status quo. She is seen as the force of change, the element that makes each day different from the last. She is youthfully energetic despite her status as one of the oldest draconic deities, serving her sire Io as a messenger to mortal and divine beings alike, although typically with less decorum than her siblings feel is due such a role.

Divine Domains


Learning, invention, pleasure


Chaos, Charm, Skalykind, Luck, Travel, Trickery


Captivation, Dragon, Imagination, Revelry, Thievery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Favored Weapon: Scimitar or Claw

Holy Symbol: A grinning Great Brass Wyrm's head

Tenets of Faith

Aasterinian is flighty and quick-witted. She encourages her followers to think for themselves, rather than relying on the word of others. The worst crime, in Aasterinian’s eyes, is not trusting in yourself and your own devices.

Worshipers of Aasterinian honor their patron simply by learning and remembering her during moments of pleasure. Quests assigned by the goddess are unpredictable, though they usually involve travel and seeking out new experiences, being more about the journey than the destination.

Prayers to Aasterinian often express a desire for change for its own sake. One common line is, “Let today be different from both yesterday and tomorrow."

Divine Classification
Dragon God


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