Cabinet of Faces Organization in Eberron | World Anvil

Cabinet of Faces

The Cabinet of Faces is a secretive cabal of changelings and doppelgangers working to sway major governments and enterprises toward some mysterious end.

Its goals and members are closely held secrets and few people on Eberron even believe in the Cabinet's existence.

The Cabinet members believe themselves to be true children of the Traveler. According to secret lore of the group, the Traveler or its envoy has in centuries past possessed one of the cabinet rulers to convey a message, have a task performed, or even prophesy the future. The most recent of these was 200 years ago.

The Cabinet of Faces counts among its members acolytes of the Traveler.

The Cabinet is ruled by six doppelgangers, each with their own six subordinates known as "visages". Each visage deals directly with their individual cabinet ruler and only the cabinet rulers know one another's identities. Each of the thirty-six visages have subordinates beneath them and many of these have their own subordinates. Ultimately many of the members of the Cabinet of Faces don't know who their true employers are, and aren't even aware that they are members of the Cabinet.

Secret, Religious sect


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