Chronepsis Character in Eberron | World Anvil


The Silent, The Watching Eye

Chronepsis is the draconic deity of Fate, Death, and Judgment. His symbol is an unblinking draconic eye.

Chronepsis is truly neutral in all things, dispassionate and unconcerned with the unfolding of events. He observes, but does not act except to guide the spirits of dragons into the afterlife. While he is a god of “eternal law,” he cares nothing for justice, as Lendys does. Chronepsis never speaks or communicates. Chronepsis is said to know the future and how all things will end, but he will not reveal this knowledge to others.

The Watcher, as Chronepsis is known, appears as a colorless dragon with dull, decaying skin through which yellowed bones poke, making him an outsider in the struggle between metallic and chromatic dragonkind. A magical brass harp hovers above his head.

Divine Domains


Fate, death, judgment


Death, Erosion, Scalykind, Knowledge, Ruins
Dragon, Psychopomp, Memory

Tenets of Faith


While all dragons respect Chronepsis, very few worship him, and even fewer become his clerics.


Chronepsis’s faithful each own a small hourglass, which they turn at least once a day in order to remind themselves of the passing of their lives. Often they turn the glass before sleeping, and spend a moment or two contemplating the emptied glass when they wake.

Worshipers of Chronepsis do not pray, as they know their prayers will go unanswered and unheeded. Instead, they contemplate the nature of death and life.

Worshipers of Chronepsis may go on quests to retrieve the corpses of dead dragons to inter them in temples, or protect a dying dragon from molestation by others.

Favored Weapon Scythe



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