King Kaius Ir'Wynarn III Character in Eberron | World Anvil

King Kaius Ir'Wynarn III

King Kaius Ir'Wynarn III

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bears an astonishing resemblance to his grandfather Kaius Ir'Wynarn I, including the flowing silver-blonde hair. Maintains himself in fighting form, despite his urge for peace.

Body Features

Long platinum blonde hair, pale skin

Apparel & Accessories

During governmental functions, he will typically be seen wearing his gleaming mithral breastplate over a sanguine-red tunic. He keeps a black military uniform for important engagements, as well as a variety of exceptionally well tailored outfits for public appearances outside the palace of Crownhome.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kaius ir'Wynarn was born in 971 YK, the same year his brother Drago ir'Wynarn passed away, leaving Kaius to inherit the throne. In 983 YK, following the passing of his father, Jaron Ir'Wynarn, his aunt Moranna ir'Wynarn became regent for Kaius. King Kaius III assumed the throne of Karrnath on his twentieth birthday in 991 YK, relieving his aunt Moranna to become king.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Successfully lobbied for a cessation to hostilities that lead to the Treaty of Thronehold

Morality & Philosophy

Kaius was a vocal advocate for peace, a stance that made enemies with some of Karrnath's warlords, who see the new king's advocacy for peace as a sign of weakness. These enemies included Drago Thul, a military commander who fled Karrnath for Stormreach rather than stand down and accept peace. Despite Kaius's peace efforts, many both within and without Karrnath suspect that these efforts are to buy time for Karrnath's military to rebuild and rearm themselves.

Personality Characteristics


To protect Karrnath from all threats. Ensure peace is maintained for the betterment of all citizens of Khorvaire

Likes & Dislikes

Bears a deep and abiding hatred of the Blood of Vol


Family Ties

  • Moranna Ir'Wynarn -- Paternal Aunt
  • Haydith Ir'Wynarn -- Younger Sister
  • Gaius Ir'Wynarn -- Younger Brother
  • Etrigani Ir'Wynarn -- Wife

Religious Views

Has shown no personal religious conviction, however he is openly disparaging of the Blood of Vol.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Karrnath, Heir to the throne of Galifar
Date of Birth
6th of Olarune
Year of Birth
971 YK 27 Years old
Crownholme, Korth, Karrnath
Current Residence
Shoulder length, silver blonde, straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, unblemished
218 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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