Lendys Character in Eberron | World Anvil


Scale of Justice, The Balancer, Weigher of Lives

God of justice who judges the life of a dragon, Lendys metes out justice during a dragon’s life. His scales are a tarnished silver some say because he cares more about judging others than tending himself. He is the arbiter of dragonkind servind as judge, jury and executioner alike. When a dragon has committed an injustice against dragonkind, Lendys (or one of his heralds) is dispatched to deal out appropriate justice. Punishments are severe, and appeals unheard of.

His clergy are paladins and justice-bringers, who often serve as arbiters in local communities. In some cases towns even rely on the local draconic worshiper of Lendys to parcel out justice. His temples are few often a simple shrine, perhaps marked only by the god’s symbol and set up in courtrooms or other justice-dispensing places. His favored color is green.

Divine Domains


Balance, Justice


Destruction, Law, Protection, Scalykind


Defense, Dragon, Judgement, Loyalty, Rage

Tenets of Faith


The clerics and paladins of Lendys are justice-bringers, often serving as judges and arbiters for local communities.

His clerics view undead as those who have, temporarily, escaped justice and they should be dispatched as quickly as possible.



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