Serpent Cults Organization in Eberron | World Anvil

Serpent Cults

Serpent cults are the Silver Flame’s oldest tradition, though they’re virtually unknown in the present day. Rather than venerating the Flame itself, serpent cults honor the countless couatl whose sacrifice brought it into being. A common myth says that the couatl were formed by the last breath of Siberys, unleashed to contain Khyber’s evil. These cults maintain that the Silver Flame was formed when the couatl sacrificed their individual existence and bound their celestial energy together to bind the overlords; research suggests that this is true, though it’s not in the common doctrine of the church. Rather than revering a Voice or Keeper of the Flame, the serpent cults listen for the guidance of couatl themselves. A few couatl did remain separate from the Flame in order to serve as guardians or carry out specific missions, and it’s also possible for couatl to temporarily serve as spiritual guides; this was the case with Tira Miron, and could also be the case with an aasimar tied to the Silver Flame.
Religious, Cult


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