Sharn Sixty

The Sixty Families of Sharn, also referred to as the Sixty or the Sharn Sixty, is an informal group of the sixty most prominent families of Sharn. Which families belong to the Sixty is mainly determined by the ir'Tain family, who host a monthly event called the Tain Gala in their mansion's banquet hall for members. Which families make up the Sixty has changed relatively infrequently, with the most recent addition being the Boromar Family. Other members of the Sixty include the 13 Dragonmarked houses, and many of the Brelish noble families.


Brelish Noble Families

  • Clarn
  • Dain
  • Demell
  • Kavay
  • Laisha
  • Tyran
  • Lantar
  • Marasha
  • Moran
  • Morgrave
  • Tain
  • Talan
  • Tarrn
  • Thadian
  • Tonn
  • Tunt
  • Zarna
Social, Group


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