Spirits of the Past Organization in Eberron | World Anvil

Spirits of the Past

Valenar elves revere their ancestors. Whereas the Aereni preserve their ancestors beyond death and rely on their advice, the Valenar (indeed, all Tairnadal elves) seek to recreate the glorious deeds of their martial ancestors, thus allowing the ancestors' spirits to live again in the present age.   When an elf is born, the Keepers of the Past read the signs to determine the patron ancestor that will guide the elf through life. It is the duty of the child to honor and emulate this particular ancestor, though he should also strive to bring glory to his entire family. Many elves can share the same patron ancestor. This leads to competition among the elves as each strives to be the perfect embodiment of the common patron.   The relationship between the Tairnadal and the Undying Court varies from elf to elf. The Undying Court played a vital role in the battle against the dragons, and the Tairnadal respect these powerful and ancient elves. This attitude is common among the older warriors who fought side by side with the Aereni. Some younger elves see the Aereni as stagnant and cowardly and claim that the councilors of the Undying Court are not true heroes.

Tenets of Faith

  • Remember the great deeds and people of the past, and try to emulate and even to surpass them.
  • Look to history and tradition for strength.
  • Nothing is true today that wasn’t true in the past; it just wears different trappings.


The Keepers of the Past: The priesthood of the Valenar elves, the Keepers of the Past maintain the memory of the great elf heroes of Xen'drik. Members of the order travel with warclans to ensure that the warriors bring honor to their ancestors. The Keepers hold tremendous power; if they turned against the high king, many elves would take their side.   The Valenar elves share the religious beliefs of the elves of Aerenal, but with a slightly different focus. They respect the councilors of the Undying Court, but have a greater reverence for the elven heroes of Xen'drik. Each warrior has a patron ancestor and seeks to emulate his ancestor through deeds that let the ancestor live again, after a fashion   The spiritual leaders of the Valaes Tairn, the Keepers of the Past, include both clerics of the Undying Court and bards. War leaders train in bardic traditions to inspire their troops and recount the deeds of their ancestors.
Permeated Organizations
Related Ethnicities
Favored Weapon
Double Scimitar
Destruction, Knowledge, Protection, Repose, War
Ancestors, Hatred, Memory, Purity, Tactics
Anger, Fervor, Final Rest, Heresy, Revelation, Tactics, Zeal


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