The Aurum

The Aurum, a shadowy alliance of some of the wealthiest citizens of Khorvaire, uses the power of gold and platinum to increase its influence across the continent. From its headquarters in Krona Peak in the Mror Holds, this organization espouses the lawful evil point of view and keeps its true intentions highly secret. The Aurum was born in the Mror Holds. Even before the Last War and the dwarves’ declaration of independence, various members of the powerful clans had joined together in a secret fraternity designed to increase the wealth and power of its members. With the collapse of Galifar and the rise of the dwarf nation, the members of the Aurum began to look beyond the Ironroot Mountains. Guildmasters, crime lords, merchant princes, nobles, and members of dragonmarked houses, among others, joined the secret society, and slowly it became more than a simple fraternity. Between the influx of new blood and the devastation of the Last War came a rush of new ideas, which resulted in a new sense of purpose for the cabal.


The organization is divided into four levels, called concords—copper, silver, gold, and platinum. Higher rank provides a member with greater access to the resources of the Aurum and a greater voice in society meetings. Rank is based both on personal influence and services provided to the group. A powerful heir of a dragonmarked house joins the Gold Concord, while a minor guildmaster starts in the Copper Concord. In time, any member has the chance to advance to the Platinum Concord.   Aurum Concordians wear a plain ring on each finger—eight in all. Members of the Copper Concord wear copper rings, members of the Silver Concord wear silver rings, and so on. More a symbol of status than a precious bauble, each ring has the same value as 10 coins fashioned from the same kind of metal.   Most members believe that the Platinum Concord manages the affairs of the Aurum, for which Antus ir'Soldorak serves as chancellor, but the true masterminds of the conspiracy form an inner circle known as the Shadow Cabinet. The Shadow Cabinet exists outside the structure of the concords and works to manipulate the nations of Khorvaire.

Public Agenda

It’s a social club, with a hall in every major city in the Five Nations. It’s a philanthropic organization that supports local communities and arts. It’s a place where people with different political and religious beliefs can set those differences aside and talk; according to Soldorak, many of the most important negotiations of the Last War took place around a golden table. But ultimately, at the end of the day, it’s an organization that exists to increase the wealth and power of its members.


Each member is expected to maintain and increase their individual wealth, power and influence. However, in order to increase one's personal position, it is encouraged to share favors with other Concordians. To improve one's power is to improve the fraternity.


The Aurum started as a fraternity of wealthy and powerful dwarves from the Mror Holds. When the Kingdom of Galifar collapsed the dwarves suddenly had a nation of their own, the members of this collective began to look beyond the Ironroot Mountains
Social, Brotherhood


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