The Keeper Character in Eberron | World Anvil

The Keeper

The Sovereign of Death and Decay Kol Turrant

Another of the second divine generation, the Keeper is the son of Olladra and Onatar, and the flip side to his twin brother, Kol Korran. Where his brother is the patron of material wealth, the Keeper governs shameless greed and gluttony. He is the hunger in the dark, clutching at anyone or anything that strays too far from the light. It is said that of all the gods, he alone can waylay the deceased on their journey to Dolurrh, and no soul once ensnared can escape the Keeper’s chill embrace. He is the patron of death cults all over Eberron, and in this capacity, has become the unofficial god of the religious necromancer.

Divine Domains


Death, entropy, greed, hunger, time


Death, Evil, Nobility, Plant, Trickery


Murder, Undead, Martyr, Decay, Thievery


Conversion, Heresy, Imprisonment, Torture, Oblivion

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Shrines: The Keeper’s shrines are constructed of stone, and many are underground, in tombs, or both. Personal shrines often include a decorated skull.

Favored Weapon: Scythe.

Holy Symbol: A Khyber dragonshard in the general shape of a fang.

Tenets of Faith

Priest Training: Servants of the Keeper must have a working knowledge of life and death; disturbingly, many of his priests were once healers.

Quests: Quests in the Keeper’s name often consist of killing someone or something specific, usually with a Keeper’s fang weapon (ECS 226), but some revolve around discovering some mystery or acquiring an item of great value.

Prayers and Rites: Sacrifices to the Keeper almost always require ending life in his name. They range from breaking a rabbit’s neck to beheading multiple sentient creatures, depending on the importance of the rite.

Associated Day: Zolday

Associated Months: The second season, called Keeping, occupies the months of Therendor and Eyre (early to mid-spring).

Associated Color: Grey



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