The Sacred Spark Organization in Eberron | World Anvil

The Sacred Spark

The Sacred Spark is related to the opposed pantheons of the Sovereign Host and the Dark Six, but unusual in that it worships a merged deity taken partially from each of the two. Followers of the Spark consider Onatar and the Fury as two sides of the same divine force, and revere it above all the other gods. Their doctrine states that the great achievements of our world cannot simply be the products of Onatar's blessing nor just the product of the Fury's passion. For what is industry without passion to drive it? And what is passion without focused and directed application? Acolytes of the Sacred Spark are shunned by vassals of the Sovereign Host as dangerous and a bit insane while worshipers of the Fury among the Dark Six claim that its mere existence is a blasphemy against her holy name. The group is relatively small and fairly unknown across Khorvaire.


The Sacred Spark appears to exist only in small separated communities with no overarching leadership. The doctrine spreads typically when members of a community moves to a new city bringing the religion with them into new areas. The spread of this sect is slow, but steady mostly drawing warforged who are interested in the emotion behind creation.

Religious, Cult


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