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House Deneith

Protection is my purpose. I protect the innocent from those who would do them harm. For my siblings, this is a job; for me, it's a calling.
-Harrie d'Deneith, Sentinel Marshal
The proud humans of House Deneith carry the Mark of Sentinel. Born in pre-Galifar Karrnath about twenty-six hundred years ago, today the house offers the services of the Defenders Guild and Blademarks Guild, one devoted to protection and the other to supply mercenaries to the highest bidders.   From his base of operations in Karrlakton, Breven d’Deneith controls the guilds and oversees the activities of the Sentinel Marshals who, by ancient decree, provide law and order across national boundaries. Since the rise of Galifar, House Deneith has held to a military structure. Heirs of the house are expected to serve in the Defenders Guild, the Blademarks, or the Sentinel Marshals, and leaders of the house are usually chosen from the generals of the Blademarks.   The Defenders Guild provides personal protection, including skilled bodyguards and wizards who can place warding spells on their charges. The Blademarks Guild manages mercenary activities across Khorvaire. Members of House Deneith serve as officers, trainers, and strategists, but the rank-and-file soldiers of the Blademarks are largely hired mercenaries. The hobgoblins of Darguun and the elves of Valenar both have strong representation in the forces of Deneith, but most of the house’s soldiers are human. One noteworthy troop is the League of the Bitter Blade. This mercenary band is composed of soldiers who served in the Queen’s Guard of Cyre and are now left with no war to fight and no kingdom to return to.
Dragonmarked House 
Blademarks Guild
Defenders Guild
Breven d’Deneith
Notable Members
Breven d’Deneith


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