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Vex (a.k.a. Snow)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vex is a changeling orphan,when she was just a child she was bullied a lot by other children and adults. She loved the family that took her in and took care of her, yet at one point she could not take it anymore and ran away from her home.   She wanted to know what it was like to be someone else, so she changed her appearance to match the appearance of a boy she just walked passed. Little did she know that this wad the son of a huge criminal and that his family was going to be attacked/captured by another criminal organisation: Daask.   The Daask kidnapped her. Once they found out who she was and what she did, secretly steal from the huge criminal, they decided to take her in and make her part of their family. This is how Vex joined Daask.


Contacts & Relations

Cavallah, oni, expert at aerial combat and leader of the Daask cell in Sharn. Taught Vex her rogueish moves and skills   Cazha Bloodwing is a member of Daask, a criminal organization made up of numerous monstrus races, that makes its home in Sharn. She is one of three individuals who oversee military operations for Daask under the command of the ogre mage Cavallah. Cazha operates from Daask's holdings in the wards of Malleon's Gate or the Cogs   Dash and Moon (Shifters - members of Daask). Vex worked closely with Dash and Moon during their operations within Daask. They soon became best friends. During their last mission in Boromar's camp, the group got ambushed and Dash and Moon were captured. Vex hasn't seen them since, but she hasn't forgot and will never forget. She will do anything to bring back her best friends. Dash was the one who gave Vex her nickname Snow.   Zoxizz and Zy (Gnolls - members of Daask). Zoxizz and Zy are close friends of Vex.   Ziggy Vex met Ziggy in the row for the women's toilet at the Family Lodge. They bonded over their similar taste in clothing. Ziggy works at the family Lodge's bar on Friday nights. She was nice enough to help Vex move heavy bags of pebbles for the blacksmith at Strong Stone.

Family Ties

none. 'cause orphan. :(

Hobbies & Pets

Water painting and sketching Learning new languages Yoga and rope walking


Whispers a lot Uses a lot of non-verbal signs

Vex, changeling orphan. Grew up within the organisation of The Daask in Sharn, Breland.

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Colourless with black circles around it
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Gnoll
  • Quori


Jaar geleden nieuw leiderschap voor Daask, hebben een reddingsactie gemaakt voor Dash and Moon. Dash and Moon told me that this was their first mission for Daask again. The accident at the boromar camp has ruined their reputation within the organisation, and this is their attempt to safe it. we are east of Atur, Dash and Moon fly away north, heading towards Karrnwood.

"My name is Billion, like one in a billion"

Billion is part of our group now, he wants to look death in the eyes so he can write a fantastic novel. Halfling found link between mourning and house cannith. Dragu got shot with an arrow.   Vex's notes:   Boromar came to City of Night from Sharn. They run the casino now. Vincent says they're nice halflings, but I know better. Now that Drago got shot at their estate, this means war. I have to find out what their agenda is here in the city and if they're after me. Mehr found a shifter's hair at the Strong Stone, maybe my friends are here too then. I have to find out what Boromar has done to them.   Too bad we didn't get to gamble though.   People generally surprised Boromar came here. But are very positive about them. No rumours about shifters. allowed beast to live in society.   At the train station, my eye caught a group of well-dressed halflings waiting for the lightning rail. I thought I saw a glimpse of Dash or Moon. Could they be here?? The group walks in the same direction as Jarvis and Billion, towards Bono with the side burns.   While I was running on top of the train trying to catch up with the halflings and Bono, suddenly Dash and Moon are on a hoverboard hovering beside me. Are they part of Boromar now? Can I still trust them? I must find out what happened to them and why they are doing this. They say they are still fighting against Boromar. They are planning something, because they are warning me to leave the train.              

"Removing a child before it's born, could be useful yeah"

While Vex tried to hide from the dwarves and listen in on their conversation on planning to get back at her by luring her into a trap, she got distracted by a question Zulyvahn asked Jarvis: "What do you think about abortions?" *sigh* men..   Vex has to think of a way to make it up to the dwarves to get on their good side again, or at least no longer be on their bad side. She doesn't want to be in a fight with them.   Vex stops the other party members from having another intense discussion, this time about whether written word or oral transmission is more reliable. We have a lot of things to do, so let's move.   Suddenly a cart starts rolling down the street towards ours. Mehr managed to make it stop by crashing it. As a result a kid dropped his icecream. Vex was nice enough to change into a kid and ask for a new icecream, she got it and gave it to the kid to get some good karma.   We met with lady eladren vown of house cannith.   Morgrave University, halfling made a discovery, scematic discovery, might be in danger now. House Cannith asked us to escort him from the lightning trail to their house. tomorrow at 7pm.  

"Use your thingy, or you will lose your pinky"

Vex walks up to the horses, her white braid flapping in the wind. She finds a dead patrified halfling. Frederik, the cart driver, helps out. Jarvis hops out of the cart with his screwed formal clothes. he is holding a rusty sword instead of a cane. The ever burning lanterns went out in our street. Vex finds the halfling's identification papers: Bonal Galdran. He works at the Morgrave University. He is wearing a small coin pouch on his belt, together with a satchel. it looks fancy and well made. A humanoid appears. He looks like a mummy. Jarvis is patrified.   Suddenly, Vex finds herself at a fesitval in an aircraft. The four send by Dragu el Gragus. The DRago's Dragons are handed a feather token each. Mehr is disquilified. We have to find another way. After losing control of her fall for a moment, Vex says Hi to the orange bearded dwarve and places herself above him. She grabs his mustache and tells him that if we both go, he will go first. He uses his feather fall. She gets kicked in the face by the other dwarve. Vex can't control herself and her Daask instincts kick in. She swims towards him, pulls out her dagger and holds it against his pinky finger. She intimidates him by giving him the option to use his featherfall or he will lose his pinky finger. He uses his featherfall.   Vex changes into the female elf and tricks some of her team members into using their featherfall.   She is hit by some of the clothing lines. It rips off some of her skin of her arm. Together with one of the scared humans, she uses her featherfall to dodge the bridge, which turned out to be an illusion. At least one down. Jarvis made the Drago's Dragons win!!   The platopus from house Jorrasco is handed to Jarvis. It is still alive.    


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